ZIMS for Studbooks Training Index
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Index of Topics:
Studbooks List
The first screen you are taken to when you launch the Studbook Module is the studbook list – this is a list of all the studbooks you have been assigned access to within the system. You can select any studbook from the list to open and view the studbook information.
Features Available
Basic search:
Quickly search the studbook list by studbook name.
Advanced search:
Search the studbook list by additional filters including: regional association, taxonomy, last update date, Currentness date, Studbook Keeper.
Pin Studbook:
Favorite a studbook so it appears at the top of the studbook list.
Add Studbook Image:
Add an image to represent the studbook.
Navigating to Studbook Dashboard:
Select the studbook name to navigate to the studbook dashboard.
Navigate to studbook Living list, Pending Update list, and Suggested List
: Select the quick links to navigate quickly to a specific animal list.
Related Materials:
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Studbook Dashboard
This is the main screen for accessing the studbook information.
Features Available
Studbook Overview:
Includes basic information about the studbook and features that impact the studbook data overall. See overview section below for more information.
Create assumptions for animal records within your studbook. See overlay section below for more information.
Institution List:
View and manage global and local institutions for the studbook.
Studbook Activity Stream:
Tracks additions/deletions/edits per individual changes per animal and per user. Studbook IDs are hyperlinks to the animal detail screen.
Navigate to any of the following animal lists:
Living, All, Suggested, Pending Updates, Data Quality
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Studbook Overview
Includes basic information about the studbook and features that impact the studbook data overall.
Features Available:
Studbook Number Settings:
View studbook settings for permanent and temporary studbook numbers and set new starting numbers.
Basic Information:
View studbook name, number specimens, last edited date, and start date
Edit Currentness date
View/edit studbook description, species notes, and conventions/assumptions
Taxonomy Details:
View information about the studbook taxonomy
View taxonomy included in the studbook (can only be edited by regional association)
Set gestation/incubation period and interbirth/hatch interval
View the users with access to their studbook and their level of access.
User Defined Fields (UDFs):
Add new UDFs or add/edit current UDFs.
Related Materials:
Adding Notes
: Overview of notes and observations and downloadable list of note types, sub-types and definitions.
Managing UDFs
: Creating and editing User Defined Fields.
Studbook OverviewPowerPoint
: Overview of information and tools included in the studbook overview.
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Institution List
View and manage global and local institutions for the studbook.
Features Available:
All institution list
View Species360’s global list of recognized institutions and the studbook’s local institutions.
Sort, filter, export this list
View information on global institutions
Add notes and contacts for global institutions
Local Institution list:
View list of all local studbooks institutions. Add/edit information on these institutions.
Sort, filter, export this list
Current/Historic Lists:
View lists of current and historic holding institutions for the studbook.
Sort, filter, export this list
Add Local Institution:
Add a local institution to the studbook institution list.
Related Materials:
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Add assumption data to the animals in the studbook for analysis.
Features Available:
Overlay management:
Located on
Dashboard. Includes the following features:
Add new overlay:
Add a blank overlay to the studbook.
Edit existing overlay:
Edit the studbook name and description
Delete overlay:
Delete an overlay and all of its records from the studbook.
Copy overlay
: Copy all records in the overlay into a new overlay.
Apply overlay:
Turn on overlay mode for the selected overlay. User can now edit animal data in overlay mode.
Remove Overlay:
Turn off overlay mode and return the studbook to the master view.
Overlay data in animal records: Once a studbook is applied from the Overlay Management list data can be added to the overlay within the studbook. This includes the following features:
Overlay module notifications
: In overlay mode there will be an orange bar indicating the overlay mode is applied. This displays in all screens. In addition, many screens and buttons are removed from overlay mode.
Edit/Add Transactions, parents, sex, notes:
Add assumption data for individual animals within the studbook for these record types. All other record types are read only in the overlay mode.
Assumptions List:
View list of animals that have been edited in the overlay.
Add Hypothetical Animal to Studbook:
Add an animal to the studbook in overlay mode.
Toggle between overlays and master studbook:
Use the breadcrumb feature to quickly apply different overlays to the studbook or return to the master studbook.
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Animal Lists
List of all animals in the population that are currently living (Living Animal List) and list of all animals in the studbook of any status (All Animal List).
Features Available:
View list of living animals in the studbook
Navigate straight to the animal husbandry record via the hyperlinked GAN column
Sort list by columns
Add/remove columns
Filter list by a variety of criteria including general, date, institution, UDF under the filter bar
Save filters and apply them to other lists/tools
Pin or unpin animals and view them in the “My Animals” list in the left navigation bar
Add one or more animals to managed groups
Export list to excel and PDF
Export list grouped by holding institution
Export list grouped by managed group
Search for an animal by Studbook ID, Local ID, or GAN
Show Animal History option:
Check the box to view transaction history within the animal list
Export with this option checked to include the transaction in the export
Navigate to an animal’s detail page by selecting the Studbook ID
Use left-hand navigation to navigate to additional lists/tools
Related Materials:
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Manually Add New Animal to Studbook
Add animal to the studbook that is not at a ZIMS institution.
Features Available:
Add draft animal(s) using the “Add animal to Studbook” button on the Animal List screens.
View newly created draft animal (system automatically numbers the draft)
Quick add buttons in the top right corner allow user to add required fields quickly (transactions, parents, taxonomy, sex, rearing).
Once all required fields have at least one record recorded, the user can add the animal as a permanent studbook animal.
System automatically generates permanent and temporary IDs
User can manually enter studbook ID
Actions Button:
Pin draft animal
Export complete animal detail
Delete draft animal
Pedigree tools
Add/edit/delete animal events
Cannot view/accept/reject institutional records for unlinked animals
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Animal Details
Location where an individual animal’s data is managed.
Features Available:
Add and manage existing labels
Expand/Collapse all boxes in top right corner
View studbook animal basic information
Hyperlink to parents from basic information
View animal detail in Compare Animal tool
Accept All pending updates
View descendant, antecedent, siblings list for animal
View GAN if animal is linked to Husbandry animal
Action Button
Unlink linked animal
Pin Animal
Export to Excel
Export to PDF
Export complete Animal Detail
Delete animal
Animal Detail Activity Stream:
View record level changes made within the studbook by user and the data quality issues for an animal.
Manage Transactions:
Add/edit/delete animal transaction
View institutional records for linked animals
Accept institutional records for linked animals
Accept institutional records with edits for linked animals
Reject institutional records for linked animals
Add note to record
Export to Excel/PDF
Manage Parents:
Add/edit/delete individual sires and dams
Add/Edit MULTS parents:
Create MULT grouping
Assign percentages to potential parents
View MULT List
View institutional records for linked animals
Accept individual parent records for linked animals
Accept all parent records for linked animals
Add note to record
Export to Excel/PDF
Manage Taxonomy:
Add/edit/delete taxonomy events
View institutional records for linked animal
Accept institutional records for linked animals
Accept institutional records with edits for linked animals
Reject institutional records for linked animals
Mark animal as hybrid
Add note to record
Export to Excel/PDF
Manage Sex:
Add/edit/delete sex events
View institution records for linked animal
Accept institutional records for linked animals
Accept institutional records with edits for linked animals
Reject institutional records for linked animals
Add note to record
Export to Excel/PDF
Manage Contraception
Add/edit/delete contraception events
View institution records for linked animal
Accept institutional records for linked animals
Accept institutional records with edits for linked animals
Reject institutional records for linked animals
Add note to record
Export to Excel/PDF
Manage Groups
Add/edit/delete managed group assignments
Manage Identifiers:
Add/edit/delete logical, physical, transponder identifiers
View institution identifiers automatically for linked animal
Export to Excel/PDF
Manage User Defined Fields:
Add/edit/delete user defined fields
Export to Excel/PDF
Manage Notes:
Add/edit/delete notes
View notes entered in above grids in animal notes
Export to Excel/PDF
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Suggested Animal List
List of animals that exist in ZIMS for Husbandry (recorded by institutions). This list contains two types of Husbandry animals:
Husbandry animals that the system cannot find in the studbook and is suggesting be added to the studbook
Husbandry animals that the system found in the studbook and is suggesting be linked to the studbook animal
Features Available:
View list of Suggested Husbandry animals
Add/remove columns
Filter list by local/global and with/without suggested link
Search for an animal by Local ID, or GAN
Navigate to a Suggested animal’s detail page by selecting the GAN
Use left-hand navigation to navigate to additional lists/tools
Export to excel
Navigate to Suggested Animal detail by selecting the GAN
Navigate to Possible Match by selecting the studbook ID
View Rejected Animals:
List of animals that have been rejected from the Suggested List will display in this screen. Animals on this screen can be added or linked to studbook animals.
This list can be sorted, filtered, and exported similar to the Suggested List
View Husbandry Data Fix Report
: List of changes to the studbook as a result of merges/splits/deletions of animals in Husbandry. If an animal in Husbandry is merged/split/deleted and it was linked to an animal in your studbook, the reason will display in this list.
Search list by GAN
Studbook ID hyperlinks to Animal detail screens
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Suggested Animal Detail Screen
Detail screen for Husbandry animals that the system is suggesting be added or linked to an animal in the studbook. From this screen the user can add, reject, link to potential match, or link manually to an animal in the studbook.
Features Available:
View Basic Information
: View information on the Suggested Husbandry animal.
View Animal Detail in Husbandry:
Opens the Husbandry animal module and displays the animal’s global view. Only accessible if use has been given access to the animal module by their institution.
New Animal:
Add the suggested animal as a new draft animal to the studbook. This will add the animal as a draft animal. All institution records will be available to the user to accept or reject.
Reject the animal from the Suggested List. It now will be removed from the Suggested List and display on the Rejected List. From the rejected list, the animal can be added or linked to the studbook.
View Suggested Matches:
View studbook animals that the system suggests as a match to the Suggested Husbandry animal.
Link the animal to one of the animals listed as a suggested match by selecting the link icon. This will link the Husbandry animal to the animal in the studbook. All institutional records will now be visible on the linked studbook animal.
Manually Link:
Select a studbook animal from the list to link to a suggested animal. Once linked the institutional records will now be visible on the linked studbook animal.
Related Materials:
Suggested Animal Details
: Overview of the Suggested Animal List. Including adding animals to the studbook and linking Husbandry animals to studbook animals.
Add Studbook Animal PowerPoint
: How to add draft animals to the studbook, navigate to draft animals and save new animals to the studbooks.
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Pending Updates List
List of animals that have differences between the records in the studbook and the Husbandry animal they are linked to.
Features Available:
View list of studbook animals with pending updates.
Sort list by columns
Add/remove columns
Filter list by a variety of criteria including general, date, institution, UDF under the filter bar
Save filters and apply them to other lists/tools
Quick filters allow to filter by pending update type
Pin or unpin animals and view them in the “My Animals” list in the left navigation bar
Export list to excel and PDF
Search for an animal by Studbook ID, Local ID, or GAN
Use left-hand navigation to navigate to additional lists/tools
Navigate to an animal’s detail page by selecting the Studbook ID: When opening animal detail from this screen, the boxes with updates automatically open with the institutional records expanded so the user can easily navigate to the boxes with updates and begin working through them.
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Data Quality List
List of all data quality errors for each individual animal in the studbook. Errors are calculated for animals of any status.
Features Available:
Filter list by a variety of criteria including general, date, institution, UDF
Quick filter the list by high, medium, and low data quality errors
Sort columns ascending and descending
Add or remove columns from the list
Pin or unpin animals to My Animals feature
Export list to Excel or PDF (displays list of errors per animal)
Dismiss data quality errors to exclude them from the list and total count of errors.
View the dismissed errors by selecting the checkbox for “Display Dismissed Errors”
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My Animals
Option on the left hand navigation that allows the user to quickly navigate to an Animal’s Detail screen from anywhere in the system. Provides access to pinned, recently viewed, and draft animals.
Features Available:
Pinned Animals:
All animals that have been pinned from the animal lists or the animal detail will display here.
Select the studbook ID hyperlink to navigate to the animal detail screen.
Select the pin icon to unpin animals from the list.
Recently Viewed Animals
: The most recent twenty animals will display in this list in the order they were viewed.
Select the studbook ID hyperlink to navigate to the animal detail screen.
Draft Animals:
Draft animals can be accessed from this list. Once a draft animal is added, it will only display in this list until it is promoted to the studbook as a permanent studbook animal.
Select the studbook ID to navigate to the animal detail screen.
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Census Reports
Calculates the total number of animals yearly (on provided date) and the growth rates for the population.
Features Available:
Filter report by date, institution, and UDF options
Graph census data
Save institution filter
Hyperlinks to Animal Details
Sort columns
Export to excel
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Age Structure
Display populations age structure, focus on certain age ranges and sex classes and export data.
Features Available:
Filter population by age rage.
Click through to selected population range.
Export to PNG, JPEG, PDF and SVG
Related Materials:
Studbook Tools
: Overview of the tools in ZIMS for Studbooks including the Age Structure.
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Publishing your Studbook
How to publish your studbook
Features Available:
Filter data and column customization to export only the data needed for publication.
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Reproduction Dashboard
The Reproductive Dashboard is available in ZIMS for studbooks and provides summary reproductive information for your studbook.
Features Available:
Filter data by breeding status, first/last age of reproduction, life expectancy, and undetermined birth dates.
Graph data along with the corresponding list of animal data.
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Data Exports
Export to PMx for analysis.
Features Available:
Demographic, genetic, and census report filters.
Filter by date, institution, and UDF options
Apply demographic filters to all filters
Related Materials:
Export to PMx Video
: Video guide on exporting to PMx.
Guide for Testing PMx
: Helpful guidelines on how to review the data exported for PMx.
PMx Export Documentation
: Detailed documentation on the PMx export data created from ZIMS.
In situ Animals in PMx Export
: ZIMS for Studbooks PMx export allows the user to include in situ animals into the PMx export to more efficiently manage their full population.
PMx Updates
: Several changes have been released (March 2019) to improve the PMx data exports created by ZIMS. Here is a list and explanation of updates to the exported files.
Studbook Tools
: Overview of the tools in ZIMS for Studbooks including PMx export.
Full Data Export.
This tool is used to create a complete export of the studbook data in XML format. It can be used for data analysis and research outside of ZIMS.
Features Available:
How to do a Data Export
What information is exported
Related Materials:
Studbook Tools
: Overview of the tools in ZIMS for Studbooks including the Data Export.
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Data Migration Validation Report
Report that compares the data in the legacy application and the ZIMS studbook created during migration.
Features Available:
View counts in legacy studbook and ZIMS studbook.
Sort columns and export report to excel.
Related Materials:
Studbook Tools
: Overview of the tools in ZIMS for Studbooks including the Data Migration Validation Report.
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Location Validation Mapping Report
Report that compares legacy software location values to the locations they were mapped to during the migration process into ZIMS.
View legacy location and location it mapped to in ZIMS
View Studbook IDs of the animals with each location
Sort columns
Export to excel.
Related Materials:
Studbook Tools
: Overview of the tools in ZIMS for Studbooks including the Location Validation Mapping Report.
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This feature allows users to track groups of animals that are currently managed together. In legacy functionality this functionality was named “social groups” but has been renamed “managed groups” in ZIMS for Studbooks.
Features Available:
Administration of Managed Groups
Assigning One or Multiple Animals to Managed Groups
Managed Group Lists
Frequently Asked Question
Related Materials:
Studbook Tools
: Overview of the tools in ZIMS for Studbooks including the Location Validation Mapping Report.
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Re-Number Temporary IDs
Assign permanent studbook IDs to animals with temporary numbers.
Features Available:
View list of all animals with temporary IDs in the studbook
Re-number individually by entering ID is grid
Automatically generate individual ID
Automatically bulk generate IDs
System automatically creates Identifier in Animal Detail identifier grid for previous temporary ID.
Related Materials:
Studbook Tools
: Overview of the tools in ZIMS for Studbooks including the Re-Number Temporary ID Tool.
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Animal Comparison
Compare two animal details side-by-side.
Features Available:
Navigate from tools bar or Animal Detail screen. From detail screen animal will be generated in grid.
Hyperlinks to parent animal detail screens
“View Animal” navigates to Animal Detail.
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View list of MULT groupings within the studbook.
Features Available:
Accessed from tools bar or from parent grid in Animal Detail screen.
View studbook animals included in the MULTs and the animals assigned that MULT as a parent.
Hyperlinks to navigate to Animal Detail screens.
Export to excel and PDF.
Related Materials:
Studbook Tools
: Overview of the tools in ZIMS for Studbooks including the MULT List.
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Institutional Holdings
Displays the number of animals an institution has held.
Features Available:
Filter list by current or historic holders
Quick filter to find institutions within the list.
Hyperlink to list of animals held by institution.
Sort columns
Export to excel and PDF.
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Pedigree Reports
Grouping of reports that focus around pedigree investigation. Reports include descendant, antecedent, sibling, and unknown pedigree reports.
Features Available:
Descendant List:
List of all of the recorded descendants of a focal animal in the studbook.
Accessed from tools bar or the Animal Detail screen.
Search for animal
Navigate to Animal Detail by selecting “View Animal”
Filter list by living animals only
View Animal History
Hyperlinks to animals, and sire/dam
Sort columns
Customize columns (remove/add columns)
Export to excel
Visualize with Pedigree Graph
Antecedent List:
List of all of the recorded ancestors of a focal animal in the studbook.
Accessed from tools bar or the Animal Detail screen.
Search for animal
Navigate to Animal Detail by selecting “View Animal”
Filter list by living animals only
View Animal History
Hyperlinks to animals, and sire/dam
Sort columns
Customize columns (remove/add columns)
Export to excel
Visualize with Pedigree Graph
Siblings List:
List of all of the recorded full siblings of a focal animal in the studbook.
Accessed from tools bar or the Animal Detail screen.
Search for animal
Navigate to Animal Detail by selecting “View Animal”
Filter list by living animals only
View Animal History
Hyperlinks to animals, and sire/dam
Sort columns
Customize columns (remove/add columns)
Export to excel
Unknown Pedigree Report:
List of all the animals in the studbook with some level of undetermined pedigree.
Filter list by living animals only
View Animal History
Hyperlinks to animals, and sire/dam
Hyperlink to number of living descendants
Sort columns
Customize columns (remove/add columns)
Export to excel
Related Materials:
Studbook Tools
: Overview of the tools in ZIMS for Studbooks including the Pedigree Reports.
Pedigree Explorer
: Help document describing the pedigree explorer in Studbooks.
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Data Entry Monitoring
Tool that tracks actions taken in ZIMS data that results in a record being created, edited, or removed. Allows user to undo a record level change.
Features Available:
View record level changes in the studbook
Search/filter for studbook record changes
Undo (rollback) record level change to view it again in the studbook.
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Regional & Institutional Association Studbook Management
(Available to Regional Association or Institutional Studbook Administrators Only)
Located in the institution module for the region – the Studbooks tab is where the regional associations manage their studbooks. Only available to Regional Association Administrators.
Not available to any user not listed as a studbook administrator.
Explore this by selecting the institution from the start menu > My institution > select the studbook tab
The role management implementation completed, there are a few minor business rules we may implement to the taxonomy selection.
Features Available:
Studbooks Tab:
Located under “My Institution” – this is the location of the studbook management tool.
Studbook List:
List of studbooks that are currently being managed in ZIMS for Studbooks (have migrated)
Sort studbook list
Filter studbook list using the search form
Export list to PDF/excel
Actions Button:
Select studbook to quickly assign a user or view/edit studbook information.
Studbook Name:
Name of the studbook and hyperlink to additional information about the studbook. Includes the following information:
View Studbook Button:
Select this button to open the studbook in the Studbooks module.
Studbook Profile:
Edit studbook name, Currentness date, and start date
Taxonomy Details:
Add/edit taxonomy included in the studbook.
Studbook Assignments:
View/add/edit/delete studbook access.
Global Studbook Search:
List of users assigned access to a specific taxonomy in the Studbook Module
Sort list
Search with filters
Email Contacts:
all assigned studbook managers are available via the search
Studbook Roles: Create role assignments for Studbooks users.
Sort list
Export list to PDF/excel
Action Button:
Use this button to access the following items:
Add New Role:
Add new role to role list.
Edit Selected Role:
Edit role name.
Manage Role Access:
Select features the role should be given access to within a studbook.
Delete Selected Role:
Delete role from Role list.
Assignments by Studbook User:
Administrator can create roles that can be granted by studbook users to extend access to additional users.
Create Role:
Role must be created and specifically listed as ‘assignable’
Permit Rights to User For Assignment:
A users rights need to be modified to allow them access to view/add/edit and/or delete from the Studbook Assignments grid.
Administration List:
List of Regional Administrators who have the ability to view the Studbooks tab and manage the studbooks within the tab.
Add New Admin:
Add a new administration from the regional association.
Delete Admin:
Delete administrator from the list.
Related Materials:
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Migration and Deployment to ZIMS for Studbooks
Speies360 can migrate SPARKS and
studbook data to ZIMS for Studbooks. This process translates all data from the legacy studbook into ZIMS. Studbook Keepers can migrate to a test environment (sandbox) to explore the system and view their data prior to deployment to live ZIMS.
Related Materials:
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Creating a New Studbook
In ZIMS, there is the option to create a new studbook from ZIMS data. This tool pulls the ZIMS data for a specific taxonomy and region to create a studbook. All tools available for migrated studbooks are available to studbooks created from ZIMS data.
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Getting Started with ZIMS for Studbooks
Below are materials that will assist the user in getting started with ZIMS for Studbooks.
Related Materials:
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Global Studbook Search Tool
A powerful search tool to help you find global studbooks using various filters
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Accept or Reject Batch Taxonomic Changes
When the global taxonomic references change with in ZIMS husbandry you have a powerful tool to update all your records or reject them if they do not apply to your population.
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Additional Resources
Additional resources for users of ZIMS for Studbooks.
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Revised 5 March 2025