Both Regional Association and Institutional studbooks need to have at least one Studbook Admin assigned. This document covers the responsibilities of this role.
Permit User Rights to Grant Access to Studbook Data & Guide for Studbook User on Granting Rights
Studbook Admins have access to all studbook functionalities. The first Studbook Admin must be assigned by Species360 at the regional or institutional level, depending on the studbook scope. A designated Studbook Admin can then assign additional Studbook Admins as needed.
Studbook Admins have access to:
Studbook Admin responsibilities include:
All Studbook Admin functions are performed from the Studbook tab. To find this tab, open My Institution from either the Institution Search desktop icon or Start > Institution > My Institution. If you do not see the tab, you will need to be added to the Administration list by Species360 or an existing Studbook Admin for your Regional Association or Institution.
The Studbook List displays all the studbooks managed by the Regional Association or Institution that have migrated to ZIMS. If you are a Regional Association you will not see Institutional Studbooks that are in your region. If you are an Institution you will not see Regional Association studbooks your institution maintains unless you are the Studbook Keeper. You can request access to these studbooks from the Institution/Regional Association that manages them.
To search for specific Studbooks, use the Show Search Form button (1) in the upper left. When searching by Taxonomy (2), ZIMS can find partial matches. For example, if you type Aeg mon it will find Aegypius monachus .
To export a list of users assigned to the studbooks to Excel, click Actions, Export Full User List (3).
The Studbook Name column is a hyperlink to details on the Studbook:
From the Studbook Assignments grid in the details, you can assign people to the studbook from Actions > Add New. You can also assign people to the studbook from the Studbook List by highlighting the studbook > Actions > Assign Person to Studbook.
If a studbook is no longer being managed or in use, it can be archived from the active list. To archive a studbook, right click on it and select Archive Selected Studbooks. Archived studbooks can be viewed by checking the Include Archived Studbooks box in the search form. They will be identified by an Archived column.
An Archived studbook can be made active again by right clicking on it and selecting Unarchive Selected Studbook. It will now display in the active list.
Some things to note about Archived studbooks:
The Studbook Keeper News Feed is only accessible for Regional Association studbooks. The News Feed allows Studbook Keepers who have not yet migrated to ZIMS to view recent additions or edits to their studbook at the institutional level. Use the Studbook Keeper Newsfeed grid to give access to view this. Studbooks that have migrated have access to this information in Suggested Animals and Pending Updates, so they do not have to be listed here.
Studbook Admins are charged with creating their own Role access for their studbooks. These Roles are across the board for all studbooks they manage. To create a Role, from the Studbook Roles grid go to Actions > Add New Role.
The Role Name must be unique. It may be easier to name the Role the same as one of the Studbook Title options available when assigning a User to the Studbook. The functionality to allow Studbook Keepers to assign Roles to their own studbooks is not yet developed and this remains the responsibility of the Studbook Admin.
You then need to create ZIMS access for this Role. To do this, highlight the Role and select Actions > Manage Role Access.
Here we are assigning the Role access for our Nutrition Advisor. Access is provided by Search/View, Add, Edit and Remove. We do not want our Nutrition Advisor Role to be able to add or change any data, so we have given only Search/View access to the topics we feel are relevant to this position. The option to quickly check or uncheck all boxes is available.
Once you have your roles defined you can now assign a studbook keeper to an existing studbook. Note, if the studbook keeper does not have an existing ZIMS user account (registered under their host organization), you can have them added under the association’s ‘staff list’ – this is useful for situations where their host institution is not a Species360 member.
As mention in the Overview, Species360 will need to assign the initial Studbook Admin. Thereafter, any Studbook Admin can add additional Studbook Admin. From the Administration grid select Actions > Add New Admin. The people available to select from is sourced from your Institution or Regional Association staff list.
To look at the actual Studbook data go to Start > Studbook > Studbooks. You can drag this icon to the
desktop if you find you are opening Studbooks frequently. A list of all the Studbooks managed by your Regional Association or Institution will display. If you are a Studbook Keeper, those Studbooks will display at the top of the list. You may see additional Studbooks outside of your Regional Association or Institution if you were assigned to them by their Studbook Admins. The number of Living Animals, Animal Records with Updates (this means the institution has made updates not yet accepted into the studbook) and Suggested Additions (possible new animals for the Studbook) is displayed.
Select the Studbook Name to open the actual studbook.
We selected to view Living Animals in the studbook. A list of the studbook animals will display. Above the list is an expandable search box to help you find animals that match specific filters. If there are searches that you run frequently you can create as preset filter. The Studbook IDs are hyperlinks into the record.
Use the arrows to expand the various grids to view the data recorded.
If there is a Studbook that you access frequently you can “pin” it to the top of the list by selecting the pushpin icon. Pinned Studbooks load faster for your convenience.
Data Entry Monitoring (DEM) allows you to view recent studbook entries. Go to Start > Security Tools > Data Entry Monitoring. All studbooks that are in your studbook list will display to select from. You can add additional filters such as who entered the data, date range, record type and action (add, edit, delete) type if desired.
Sometimes an inexperience Studbook Keeper may record some data incorrectly or record correct data in the wrong record. Or, they may have accepted or rejected a Suggested Animal or Pending Update incorrectly. They do not feel confident that they can fix the data correctly. As Studbook Admin you can use DEM to “roll back” the entry. Simply highlight the entry and select Undo Selected. DEM will display the date the data was rolled back as well as who rolled it back. The entry will be removed in the studbook.
There are some things that you are not responsible for as far as managing studbooks. If a Studbook Keeper cannot log into ZIMS or if they do not have access to the Studbook Keeper List or Studbook Charts tell them to first check with their Local Admins as they may not have been assigned the proper ZIMS Role. If their Local Admin cannot help, have them contact .
Revised 5 March 2025