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ZIMS Staff Email Confirmation


Contact Species360 Support


Every ZIMS user is required to have a unique, valid email address.  This helps keep your logins secure and is common practice in most web-based systems.



What to expect:

When adding new staff into your organization in ZIMS the email address you supply must be unique (two staff members cannot share the same email address) and the email address must be valid (the staff person will receive a ‘confirmation email’ from ZIMS to ensure the account is valid and active).


For entries that are only Staff listings (the staff person will never log into ZIMS) the email confirmation is important but not required. For any staff that are also ZIMS Users (staff who log into ZIMS) the email confirmation is required before they will be allowed to log in.


As the administrator you will find under the staff/user menu (see link above to check staff email addresses) an option to ‘resend the confirmation email’ to the specified staff person.



-          Why is this necessary?

o        A valid, unique email address ensures that you have control over your access to ZIMS.  Password resets, etc., are handled via this email address.  This is a standard security measure of web-based systems.

-          Why can’t I edit one of my user’s ZIMS email address?

o        You will be able to soon!!  For now, ask them to login and change it themselves by clicking start > my preferences > email.

-           I have a login at multiple institutions; do I need a separate email for each one?

o        If you login to “sibling” institutions (if you have one login but are able to switch between institutions by clicking start > switch institutions), your single email address will work for all of them.  If you happen to work at more than one institution (if you have more than one login to ZIMS), each login you have will require a separate, unique email address.

-          All our keeper staff share a single email address – can their user logins all use that same email?

o        Every ZIMS login requires its own, unique, valid email address.  This is the best way to ensure a secure system.

-          Why do I have to enter an email address when I add a staff member, even if I don’t intend to have them log in to ZIMS?

o        Almost all communications from Species360 come via email (e.g. your invoice); frequently these are sent to staff who are not ZIMS users. 


Shared Email Account?

What if my users need to share an email address (ex: all keepers use the same address             

o        A free solution is available via a google email account.

1.       Sign up for a GMAIL account  (example:

2.       Set it up to forward to your shared email address

3.       Test send email to the gmail address to ensure it is forwarding to your shared account

4.       Update your users in ZIMS using the following gmail trick to provide them with a unique email address. Add a “+” after the email address you chose and the to have an infinite amount of email addresses forwarding to your shared account. 

5.       A variation of this trick is available for Yahoo and Hotmail/Outlook as well.



Revised 5 March 2025





It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation