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ZIMS Keeper & Aquarist Course – Following up with your staff!


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Use this document to help follow up with staff who have taken the ZIMS Keeper & Aquarist course and check their skills before signing off. Each user receives a ZIMS certificate following the completion of the course, which you can request from the user to know they are ready for their internal skills check.

You can use this document as it is or use it as a template and tailor it to your institution’s needs and/or training program.


For additional confidence in your data, you can choose to set up Provisional Data Entry for any new users, which allows you to easily review entries within your institution before they are made global. Read more about Provisional Data Entry here .



Ways to use this document

List of tasks

Data entry monitoring

Task-sheet example

Checklist example


Ways to use this document

There are different ways you can use this document to help with your ZIMS user assessments. You can either:




If you are using ZIMS to check your user’s progress (option 2 or 3 above), visit the Data Monitoring portion of this document to find out how to review your user’s entries.


List of tasks

This section details a list of tasks you can ask your user to perform to check understanding and skills. The section will also detail what to look for in the entry.


Searching and Navigating ZIMS

  1. Look up an animal or group record

Ask your user to look up a specific animal or group record, and report back on some information. Some examples include:

This is checking that your user can:

      Search for an animal using the search boxes

      Identify the correct animal from the search list

      Navigate the animal record to locate information

Increase the difficulty: Try selecting an animal with a house name that appears multiple times at your institution, or give an identifier rather than the house name or local ID.


  1. Run an ‘Animal Simple Search’

Ask your user to run an Animal Simple Search to look up a specific taxonomy and tell you basic information. Some examples include:

This is checking that your user can:

      Run an ‘Animal Simple Search’

      Use column customization to add columns

      Sort columns



  1. Run an ‘Animal Advanced Search’

Ask your user to run a more complex search and tell you basic information. Some examples include:

This is checking that your user can:

      Run an ‘Animal Advanced Search’ to find more specific information

Increase the difficulty: Try selecting multiple search terms, e.g., “tell me how many individual animals were born between February and June” asks the user to search for “Animal Type” and “Birth Date Range”.


  1. Create an Animal List

Ask your user to create an Animal List with specific animals.

Ask the user to add or remove animals to a pre-existing Animal List.

Examples include:

This is checking that your user can:

      Create an Animal List

      Edit/manage Animal Lists


Entering Single Information

Some of these tasks may be optional based on the user’s normal animal routine, or whether you use the feature in ZIMS, e.g., a keeper may not regularly measure animal lengths, or you may not use the Training grid. You can remove these from the worksheet at the end.


  1. Enter a weight

Ask the user to enter a weight for one of their animals.




This is checking that your user can:

      Add weights to an animal record

      Identify when to change units

      Identify when to use “estimate” and “exclude from norms”

Increase the difficulty: Try selecting an animal’s weight which has a reason to be an estimate, excluded from norms, or one which is measured in a different unit to the default (e.g. grams instead of kilograms).


  1. Record a length

Ask the user to enter a length for one of their animals.

This is checking that your user can:

      Add lengths to an animal record

      Identify the correct descriptors to use


  1. Record a feed log

Ask the user to enter a feed log to one of their animals. For example, recording:

This is checking that your user can:

      Enter a daily feed log to an animal record

      Identify when to use ‘direct’ vs ‘broadcast’


  1. Enter a logical identifier

Ask the user to enter a logical identifier to one of their animals, e.g. a house name or house number.

This is checking that your user can:

      Add a logical identifier to an animal record




  1. Enter a physical identifier

Ask the user to record a physical identifier, for example a bird ring, a noticeable mark, scar or coat color/pattern.

This is checking that your user can:

      Add different types of physical identifiers to an animal record to help identify records

      Identify the correct descriptors to use


  1. Move an animal to another enclosure

Ask the user to move an animal or whole group to a new enclosure in ZIMS.

This is checking that your user can:

      Move animals to the correct enclosure

      Identify the appropriate reasons for the enclosure move


  1. Notes and observations

Ask the user to record a note or observation on an animal or group record.

Examples include:

This is checking that your user can:

      Add notes or observations to an animal record

      Identify the correct note types and subtypes to be associated with the note/observation


  1. Record an enrichment session

Ask the user to record an enrichment session on an animal.

This is checking that your user can:

      Add enrichment sessions to an animal record



  1. Record a training session

Ask the user to record a training session on an animal.

This is checking that your user can:

      Add training sessions to an animal record


Batch Transactions

This section checks your users progress in entering information onto multiple records at the same time.


  1. Using Animal Lists

Ask the user to enter a single note or observation for multiple animals using an Animal List.

This is checking that your user can:

      Use Animal Lists to enter batch information

      Use the “Single Entry” option on the batch transactions functionality


  1. Using the Batch Transactions box

Ask the user to enter weights on two or more animals using the Batch Transaction box.

This is checking that your user can:

      Use the Batch Transactions box

      Use the “Custom Entry for Each Animal” option on the batch transactions functionality


  1. Creating Husbandry Log Templates

Ask the user to create a Husbandry Log Template from scratch.

Husbandry Log Templates can be designed in many different ways depending on the information you would like recorded. Some examples include:

Note : Many different transaction types can be included in the Husbandry Log Template, including notes, observations, weights, training sessions, enrichment sessions and feed logs. One transaction type specific to the husbandry log template is animal/enclosure checklists. You may want your user to make use of animal or enclosure checklists. These can be used to record a yes/no value, e.g., was the animal seen, or was the pool level correct

This is checking that your user can:

      Create a Husbandry Log Template

      Create animal or enclosure checklist items


  1. Using Husbandry Log Templates

Ask the user to enter information into ZIMS using a Husbandry Log Template. This could be the template the user has created, or one that is already set up.

This is checking that your user can:

      Add information using the Husbandry Log Template

      Use animal or enclosure checklist items



  1. Daily Report

Ask the user to run a Daily Report for a specific taxonomy/team/enclosure for a specific day. Ask the user to export the Daily Report to PDF.

You can ask the use to run for:

This is checking that your user can:

      Run the Daily Report for a specific time period to extract specific information

      Export the Daily Report to PDF




  1. Note retrieval

Ask the user to run a Note Retrieval Report for a specific set of criteria.

Ask the user to export the results to PDF.

This can be useful to demonstrate why choosing the correct note types and sub-types, or using standardized terms are important.

Some examples include:

This is checking that your user can:

      Run the Note Retrieval Report for various criteria

      Export the Note Retrieval Report to PDF



  1. Animal Graphing Tool

Ask the user to export specific information from the animal graphing tool.

Ask the user to export the results to PNG or to export the data to Excel.

Some examples include:

This is checking that your user can:

      Run the Animal Graphing Tool to visualize specific information.

      Export the graph to a picture

      Export the raw data to Excel


  1. Pedigree explorer

Ask the user to find out specific information about an animal’s pedigree using the pedigree explorer tool.

For example:


This is checking that your user can:

      Run the Pedigree Explorer Tool for a specific animal

      Interpret the results to find information


Data-entry monitoring

To view what your user has been entering into ZIMS, you can use the Data-Entry Monitoring Tool. The tool is found in the Start Menu, under Security Tools > Data Entry Monitor (please note you will need the correct permissions (e.g. Local Admin) to access Data Entry Monitor)


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


The Data-entry monitor logs all information entered by users. If your institution does not use provisional data entry , you will need the Log In History tab (1). If your institution uses provisional data entry, you will need the Provisional Records tab (2).

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


Non-provisional monitoring

On the Log In History tab, use the ‘ZIMS User’ search box (1) to search for the user you are evaluating, then click Search (2). This will bring up a list of actions they have completed in ZIMS (3). You can double click on any of the entries to open them up and view what they have entered. You can then evaluate the information and decide whether they are meeting your standards.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated



Provisional monitoring

Provisional entries are found in the Provisional Records tab. On opening, all provisional entries awaiting approval will show. Use the ‘ZIMS User’ search box (1) to search for the user you are evaluating, then click Search (2). This will now only show the entries for that user (3). Double click on any entry to open it up and view what they have entered (3). Review the information, and if you are happy with the data, you can click Save and Approve (4) to approve the entry.

Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated


(See next page for Task-sheet example and page 15 for the Checklist )

Revised5 March 2025

Task-sheet example    – click here to download the checklist in an editable word document


To use this task-sheet, replace any information in [brackets] with information from your institution. Delete or add any additional tasks as needed. 


Searching and Navigating

1.      Using the search box, open animal [LOCAL ID].

     The last weight of this animal was ……………………………………….

     The animal gained/lost …………………. since it’s last weight measurement

     The parents of the animal are……………………………………….……………………………………….  ……………………………………….……………………………………….……………………………………….……………………………………….

2.     Using the Animal Simple Search, search for the species [ENTER SPECIES]
Add the following columns found underthe Last Weight Measurement menu:

     ……………………………………….… is the heaviest animal

     …………………………………………. is the oldest animal

3.      Using the Animal Advanced Search, search for all [MALE/FEMALE] [ENTER HIGHER TAXONOMY, E.G. MAMMALS] that were born between [DATE] and today.

     There are ……………………………….. [male/female] [mammals] are there in our institution

4.     Create an Animal List which includes all [SPECIES]/ which includes all animals in [ENCLOSURE]

     The Animal List is called: …………………………………………………………………………

Entering Single Information

1.     Record a weight on an animal record.

     Write the Local ID here: ………………………………

2.       Record a length on an animal record.

     Write the Local ID here: ………………………………

3.     Record a feed log on an animal record.

     Write the Local ID here: ………………………………

4.     Record a logical identifier on an animal record.

     Write the Local ID here: ………………………………

5.     Record a physical identifier on an animal record.

     Write the Local ID here: ………………………………

6.     Move an animal (or whole group) to another enclosure.

     Write the Local ID here: ………………………………

7.     Record a note or observation on an animal record.

     Write the Local ID here: ………………………………

8.     Record an enrichment session on an animal record.

     Write the Local ID here: ………………………………

9.     Record a training session on an animal record.

     Write the Local ID here: ………………………………

Batch Transactions

1.     Record a single note/observation on multiple animal records using an Animal List.

     Write the Animal List used here: ……………………………………………………

2.     Record weights for two or more animals using the Batch Transaction box.

     Write the Local IDs here: ………………………………

3.     (keep one example and delete the others)

     Write the name of the Husbandry Log Template here:………………………………………………………..

4.     Use the Husbandry Log Template you just created, or one already created, to enter some daily information, e.g. weights, notes/observations

     Write the name of the Husbandry Log Template used here:………………………………………………………..


  1. Run the Daily Report for [DATE/DATE RANGE], for [YOUR TEAM/SPECIES/ENCLOSURE].

    Export the report to PDF and hand it in with this sheet.
  2.  Run the Note Retrieval Report for [DATE RANGE], searching for all notes for [SPECIES] with note type [e.g. REPRODUCTION]


Run the Note Retrieval Report for [DATE RANGE], searching for all notes for [SPECIES] containing the words [FIRST WORD] [AND/OR] [SECOND WORD].

Export the report to PDF and hand it in with this sheet


1.     Graph all of the weights for [SPECIES] during [DATE RANGE, e.g. last month]. Export the graph to PDF and hand it in with this sheet.


2.      Run the Pedigree Explorer for animal [LOCAL ID] and fill in the information.

     The animal’s Dam is ………………………………………………

     The animal’s Sire is ………………………………………………

     The animal has had ………………… offspring

     The animal’s last offspring was born in ………………………

Checklist example    – click here to download the checklist in an editable word document




Certificate received:


Date of assessment:




Searching and Navigation


Look up an animal or group record


    Search for an animal using the search boxes



    Identify the correct animal from the search list



    Navigate the animal record to locate information




Run an ‘Animal Simple Search


    Run an ‘Animal Simple Search’



    Use column customization to add columns



    Sort columns




Run an ‘Animal Advanced Search’




Create an Animal List


    Create an Animal List



    Edit/manage Animal Lists




Entering Single Information


Record a weight on an animal record



Record a length on an animal record



Record a feed log on an animal record



Record a logical identifier on an animal record



Record a physical identifier on an animal record



Move an animal (or whole group) to another enclosure



Record a note or observation on an animal record



Record an enrichment session on an animal record



Record a training session on an animal record




Batch Transactions


Animal Lists


Record a single entry on multiple animal records using the Animal List functionality



Use the ‘Single Entry for All Animals’ functionality on the batch transaction




Batch Transaction box


Record a single entry on multiple animal records using the Batch Transaction functionality



Use the ‘Custom Entry for Each Animal’ functionality




Create a Husbandry Log Template


Create a Husbandry Log Template



Create animal or enclosure checklist items




Using Husbandry Log Templates


Add information using the Husbandry Log Template



Use animal or enclosure checklist items






Daily Report


Run the Daily Report



Export the Daily Report to PDF




Note Retrieval Report


Run the Note Retrieval Report



Export the Note Retrieval Report to PDF






Animal Graphing Tool



Run the Animal Graphing Tool to visualize specific information



Export the graph to a picture



Export the raw data to excel




Pedigree Explorer



Run the Pedigree Explorer Tool for a specific animal



Interpret the results to find information



User Assessment completed by:

