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       Your ZIMS Local Administrator or your dedicated Species360 Support representative will create your ZIMS username andpassword.


       OnceyourLocalAdministrator(ZIMSAdministrator)hasbeenprovidedaccess,theycreateaccessfor the remainder of your staff. See Local Administrator information below forhelp.


       Review all training topics with your staff:

Each topic has a mixture of information, downloadable PowerPoint presentations, links to help documents and informational videos:


       User Interface (General application functionality and navigationconcepts)

       Local Administrator (Key features of ZIMS that must be managed by your localadmin)

       Animal Care (Basic animal data useful for allstaff)

       Animal Manager (Advanced animal data useful for registrars andcurators)

       Animal Transactions (ZIMS records transactioncapabilities)

       Aquatic Functionality(Basic animal data useful for all staff)

       Enclosures & Life Support (Enclosure & life support data useful for facility managers &aquarists)

       Group Management (Basic grouped animal data useful for registrars andaquarists)

       ZIMS With Medical Topics (Basic medical data useful for all staff in preparation for Release2.0)


       Practice with LearnZIMS and topical scenarios here:

(No global data, no fear training database, SPECIES360 password required)


       The following resources will remain available to you and your staff in support of yourtraining:



It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation