Species360 Training Academy Courses

Keeper & Aquarist Course

What to Expect?

You will have access to a 2 hour course guiding you through ZIMS from the perspective of an aquarist or keeper. You will learn via a series of short tutorials and interactive videos that teach you how to navigate ZIMS efficiently. Along with LearnZIMS Practice, the course and our self-guided help library will prepare you for managing your collection in ZIMS. 

Take the Course!
Login to ZIMS, then click Start > Help & Support – then look for the ZIMS Academy tab!

Species360 Member? Click here to enroll. ZIMS for Education Subscriber? Click here to enroll.

In addition to the Species360 courses, as a Conservation Partner, you will have access to other courses hosted by The Nature Conservancy.

Introduction to ZIMS for Medical Course

What to Expect?

This three-hour, self-paced online course is designed for records managers and other staff responsible for assisting in entering medical records in ZIMS. The course provides a comprehensive introduction to ZIMS for new medical records users. Through engaging tutorials and interactive videos, you'll learn efficient navigation techniques and best practices for medical record entry. Combined with access to LearnZIMS Practice and our self-guided help library, this course will provide the foundation you need to confidently manage medical records in ZIMS.

Take the Course!
Login to ZIMS, then click Start > Help & Support – then look for the ZIMS Academy tab!

Species360 Member? Click here to enroll. ZIMS for Education Subscriber? Click here to enroll.

In addition to the Species360 courses, as a Conservation Partner, you will have access to other courses hosted by The Nature Conservancy.

about us 
Species360 Members use ZIMS to manage the world's largest collection of data on exotic species 
Just simply by entering your daily records our shared global resources grow

From Survival, Reproduction and Growth reports, to Weight Comparisons, Species Event Histories, Anesthesia Summaries, Drug Usage Extracts, Mortality and Morbidity Reports, Population Overviews and more!


# of species in ZIMS


# of animals in ZIMS