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How ZIMS can help with your ALPZA accreditation.



















1. General Standards (G)

G-4 and G-5 Animal Population Plan
“[The animal population plan] must contain a detailed, ordered and updated list of the animals kept in the institution.”


G-6, G-7, G-8 and G-9 Policy for the acquisition and disposal of animals and plants
“The origin and transaction of animals and plants must be legal, documented and ethically managed; promoting individuals from the institution to go to other institutions where animal welfare is also taken care of.”

G-10, G-11 and G-12 Identification and registration of individuals.

In order to provide follow-up and individual attention to each animal in the population, it is very important to have methods for individual or population traceability, genetic-demographic and records that allow measuring animal welfare, or those that report important management events of the animals.”


“For most aquarium organisms, or for that matter some invertebrates, individual marking is not an option. However, there is an identification of specimens or groups of specimens through photographs or individual recognition. In the case of marine mammals, sharks, rays, etc. If identification by chip is possible, in which case it is required.”
“In the case of amphibians, for certain species or individuals, individual marking can be very complex, so photographs can be used when the organisms have unique color patterns or spots that can help with their identification.”


“In the event that very large groups are managed, and the species does not allow the recognition of color patterns or spots, it is possible to manage them in groups, identifying the enclosures in which each group is housed.”


2. Research (I)

I-1 and I-2 Research development

“It is essential that every institution has a clear policy or research program for conservation that is consistent with the Code of Ethics of ALPZA and that does not compromise animal welfare. The knowledge generated from research must be disseminated and made available to the community for the benefit of conservation and/or animal welfare efforts.

3. Conservation (C)

C-8 and C-9 Rescue and rehabilitation

“Attach a list of the rescue and rehabilitation work carried out by the institution in the last 12 months”


4. Conservation Education Standards (EC)

EC-8 Educational dissemination

“The institution must have the necessary educational and/or interpretive supports”


5. Sustainability Standards (S)

S-3, S-4 and S-5 Management of tributaries and effluents

“It is extremely important to have protocols that indicate the entry of quality water for replacement, as well as the proper disposal of effluents. It is especially important in waters where chlorine, ozone, conditioners, or any chemicals are used during aquarium operation, particularly in quarantines, treatment areas, and drug use.”

For aquariums and/or aquatic species, is there a comprehensive water monitoring and management program?”


6. Security Standards


There are no resources in ZIMS currently that are highly beneficial to producing documents relevant to the Safety Standards outline by ALPZA in this document.


7. Animal Welfare Standards (BA)

BA-5, BA-6, BA-7 and BA-8 Evaluation of the animal welfare of the population

Animal welfare must be systematically recorded by the personnel responsible for the direct handling of the animals (caretakers, keepers or wildlife guards). You must record important events associated with the well-being of the animals on a daily basis. The record must contain at least data on:
Identification of the individual/group, Date, News: General condition, Food, Behavior (exploratory, play, sexual activity, among others), Health and physical alterations, Maintenance and infrastructure (facility requirements), Escapes, Other relevant data, Name of the person filling out the record.”


If the animal population has the following species: large carnivores, bears, elephants, great apes, cetaceans, pinnipeds, giraffes, hippos and rhinoceroses, these must be included in the animal welfare evaluation.”

BA-9, BA-10, BA-11 and BA-12 Behavior

“ALPZA member institutions must promote positive experiences for animals in their care, encouraging opportunities to choose positive activities.”
“Animals must express exploratory behaviors and have the opportunity to develop breeding behaviors, as long as reproduction is contemplated within the population management plan. The institution must provide the conditions for the animal to sleep in sufficient quantity and quality according to the needs of the species, with special attention to nocturnal species that require special conditions for this purpose.”





BA-13, BA-14, BA-15, BA-16 and BA-17 Environmental enrichment

“There must be evidence of environmental stimulation programs for the species”

“Do environmental enrichment programs have systematic records or measurements, based on scientific evidence of animal welfare, and that include the evaluation and analysis of their results to implement the necessary readjustments?”


BA-18 and BA-19 Animal training.

“The method used to train animals for handling and presentation purposes must adhere to the Code of Ethics from ALPZA. It is necessary to have a written policy that determines the conditions under which this activity must be carried out. Additionally, a record of planning, execution and results must be kept.”


BA-27 and BA-28 Individual medical records

The basis of a healthy animal population is a preventive medicine program, which must consider the medical history of the species and the animal population. Digital records (computerized records management system) must be current, historical and have duplicates. Due to the practical and legal relevance of these documents, their duplication (physical or digital) is essential, as well as their safekeeping in different places in order to guarantee their existence.”

BA-29, BA-30, BA-31, BA-32 and BA-33 Preventive and curative veterinary medicine programs.

“There must be a program that includes a written schedule of preventive medicine activities that includes deworming, immunization, and monitoring (periodic management, with special emphasis on handling animals for contact activities).”

BA-37 and BA-38 Pharmacy/drug warehouse

“There must be an inventory of drugs, with a control system that ensures that the necessary supplies are available at all times, and that they are replaced before their expiration.”


BA-39, BA-40, BA-41, BA-42 and BA-43 Quarantine

“There must be an area isolated from the hospital and the rest of the animal population. It must be for the exclusive use of reception and temporary maintenance of animals, and not to house animals for long periods or while they are being medically treated.”


BA-46, BA-47, BA-48 and BA-49 Necropsies

“For individuals from the permanent animal population that die: A necropsy must be performed. The results found must be documented. The cause of death must be identified. If a tissue bank exists, samples should be stored for retrospective studies.”


BA-50, BA-51, BA-52, BA-53, BA-54, BA-55, BA-56, BA-57, BA-58, BA-59, BA-60, BA-61 and BA- 62 Nutrition and food

“It is critically important to periodically evaluate the consumption of the offered foods based on a system of records of consumption, body condition and/or weight, and the analysis of feces as appropriate, to make the necessary adjustments in the diets of each animal or group, and in this way promote their good nutrition and at the same time minimize food waste and losses. These records must be digital and supported by the personnel in charge.”