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ZIMS Medical for Non-Veterinary Staff


This guide is designed to be used by non-veterinary staff at your facility who are responsible for entering medical data into ZIMS. Many institutions do not have Full-Time Veterinary staff who can do data entry, so this responsibility often falls to the records person who understands ZIMS for Husbandry but is not medically trained. Because much of the data entered into the Medical module also goes into the Global Medical Resources, this type of data must be entered very carefully so as not to contribute inaccurate data to these resources.


Entering a smaller amount of data with integrity is much better than entering a large amount of data incorrectly.


If you are not medically trained but are responsible for entering medical data and are not sure how to do it, please Ask!!! Your support representative will be happy to help guide you. Also keep in mind your veterinarian has legal requirements for how records are entered; it’s important to work closely with them to establish how medical data will be entered for your institution to align your protocols. 


Table of Contents

Access to the Medical Module


Adding a Laboratory

Opening the Medical Module

Navigating the Medical Dashboard

Type Ahead Lookup Fields

Clinical Notes

Health Status and Body Condition Score

Incomplete Accession





Tests & Results

Diagnoses & Procedures

Physiological Measurements








Access to the Medical Module

How do I gain access to the Medical module?

What access to ZIMS Medical will I have?


Click here for more help with Medical Roles

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How do I set My Medical Preferences?

What preferences should I set?

What are Institution Medical Preferences?


Click here for more help with My Preferences

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Adding New Laboratories

How do I add a Laboratory?

Return to Index.



Opening Medical Module

How do I open the Medical module?

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Navigating the Medical Dashboard

The Medical Dashboard defaults to the last 7 days of medical records entered by your entire team. If you are new to ZIMS Medical or have not entered data for over a week, the center panel will be blank until you adjust the date range.


How do I know what animal record I am in?


How do I find a specific animal’s Medical record?




How do I change the date filter?


How do I filter the Dashboard display to show only specific record types?


How do I see details for a specific record in the Dashboard?


How do I search for specific record types?



How can I customize my Dashboard?


How do I add a record?




  Click here for help with the Medical Dashboard

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Type Ahead Lookup Fields

What is a Type Ahead look up field?




How do I use a Type Ahead Lookup Field?

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Clinical Notes

How and when do I write a Clinical Note?


Should I record a SOAP Entry or a Notes/Examinations/Report Entry?


When should I enter data in the Animal Care Staff Medical Summary?


If I enter a medical note in the Husbandry module does it impact the Medical module?


When should I create/use a Note Template?


Click here for help with Note Templates


When should I record Batch Clinical Notes?





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Health Status and Body Condition Score

How do I update Health Status and/or Body Condition Score?



Why is it important to keep Health Status up-to-date?


How do I enter Body Condition Score (BCS) if my institution uses a 5-point rating?


How can I update multiple Health Status and Body Condition Scores?





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Incomplete Accession

What is an Incomplete Accession?


How do I create an Incomplete Accession?



How do I find an Incomplete Accession?


How to I make an Incomplete Accession a true/full accession?

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How do I get to the Calendar?


How do I create a Calendar task?


Can I assign a task to more than one Staff member?


How can I filter what I see on the Calendar?




How can I show my Supervisor that I have completed a task?


What Calendar tasks are automatically generated?


How can I see a list of all of my tasks without scrolling through the Calendar?


Is creating Calendar Tasks available as a Batch Action?


How can I use the Calendar to help the Consulting Veterinarian on their visits?

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How do I find the Dictionaries?


Can I add a new Term or Treatment?

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How do I record collecting a fecal Sample on a single animal?


How do I record collecting a fecal sample from a herd?


How can I save data entry time for recording commonly collected Samples such as monthly fecals ?


Click here for more help with Samples

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Tests & Results

Tests & Results are a module in ZIMS Medical where you have to be extremely careful when entering data. It can be a challenge even for those who are medically trained. Test names and methods can be very specific and can make a big difference to the global medical resources database. Work with a trained Veterinarian to determine exactly what tests you will be requesting. Or, if an External Laboratory is doing the test you can contact them for the correct name and methodology. Do not guess!! If you just pick a test at random and enter the results, you degrade any future reference intervals for that test - methodology does make a difference to the reference intervals, but that information gets lost when all the methodologies are mixed.

If your laboratory is not helpful and you do not have medically trained staff to consult, please contact Species360 staff ( ) and we will attempt to provide help with setting up a panel for your routine tests. Remember, incorrect test result records don’t just impact your institution, they can have a negative impact on the reference intervals for the entire global community.


How do I request a Test on a Sample?

         There are three approaches for requesting Tests on a Sample:

o        From the Dashboard, highlight the Sample and select Request Test at the top of the bottom preview pane. This will open a list of the Samples and any Subsamples created from it.

o        New > Tests & Results from the upper left of the Dashboard.

         If you have an animal in context any Samples and Subsamples on the animal will display.

         If you do not have an animal in focus you will need to select it.

o        If you have not yet recorded the Sample, from the Test Request screen you can use Add New Sample to create one and request a Test.

         Highlight the desired Sample  and Select & Continue.

o        If you select an External Laboratory the name must be provided. See Adding Institutions if the Laboratory is not found in the drop-down list.

o        The Sample Info will display but is not editable.

o        If you are requesting one or two tests you can use the Add New Test option. If you know the name of the test you can start typing it until it is recognized. Or, you can use the look-up to search by Test Category, Test Abbreviation, or Result Type.

o        If you are uncertain contact .


I often request the same set of Tests over and over. How can I save data entry time?

         Use Test Panels instead of entering Tests one by one. ZIMS Medical has many Global Test Panels already created to select from.

         Panels are for a specified laboratory and will be filtered by what Laboratory you entered in the Test Request Details field. The Panels are also restricted by the Sample Type; therefore, both laboratory and sample types must be valid for the test panel you’ve chosen.

         The Tests are in the same order on the data entry screen as on the printed laboratory report which speeds up data entry.

         To use a Test Panel, select from the Test Panel drop down. Remember what is displayed is filtered by Laboratory and Sample Type.

         Use the wheel icon to the right to view all available Test Panels


Can I create my own Local Test Panels?

         You can create your own Local Test Panels if you do not find a global one that meets your needs. Often these are created for Tests done in your institution’s laboratory such as for manual complete blood cell counts, parasitology, and urinalysis.

         Because of the potential impact on global resources, create a Local Panel only under the supervision of a medically trained person.


How do I record the Test Results?

         To record the Test Results, open the Test & Result screen where you recorded the Tests requested and record the results.  You should only proceed if you have collaborated with your veterinarian or nurse. Be very careful with your data entry as the global resources may be impacted.

         The Expected Results column displays the Global Reference Intervals if there is a value available in the database for the taxonomy in context.


For additional help:

         Expected Test Results

         Recording Tests and Results

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Diagnoses & Procedure s

How do I enter a Diagnosis or a Procedure – if the diagnosis or procedure details are provided by the veterinarian:


Why can’t I enter lameness and coughing on the same screen?


Can I add a new Term?


How do I resolve a Medical Concern?


Click here for help with Diagnosis and Procedures

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Physiological Measurements

What is a Physiological Measurement?


How do I record a Physiological Measurement?


How can I save data entry time and enter multiple measurements?

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Please remember that prescriptions must be approved by a licensed veterinarian and written precisely to ensure all legal requirements are included. We recommend you follow a written template from your veterinarian.  If you don’t have one, this information should be entered into notes to avoid incorrect data that impacts the global drug usage reference calculations.


What is the difference between a Quick Prescription/Treatment and a Full Prescription/ Treatment?


What is an Aquatic Enclosure Prescription?


How do I terminate a Full Prescription?


What is the difference between Save & Repeat and Clone options?


Click here for help with Prescriptions

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Anesthesia records are used to build the Anesthesia Summaries Global resource. Unless you are confident that the anesthesia records you create are complete and accurate, it is best to avoid this section of medical records. Incorrect information in the global resource has the potential to adversely impact animals at other institutions that rely on the anesthesia resource for drug protocols.


What can I enter in the Anesthesia module?


Click here for more help with Anesthesia

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What can I enter in the Necropsy/Death module?


What is an Incomplete Disposition?


Click here for more help with Pathology

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The Medical Reports can be found from Start > Medical > Medical Reports or at the top of the medical dashboard. Each report has its own specific filters. Once you start entering data you should spend some time running the various reports with different filters, so you gain experience in knowing which report to run to get the information that you are looking for out of ZIMS.


If there are specific reports with specific filters that you find you commonly use, you can select to create Favorite Search Filters by completing the filters you want and selecting the Save icon. You then name the filter and Save it. It will appear in the Saved Filters dropdown for selection. This can be a great time saver.

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Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation