Navigating the Taxonomic List in ZIMS
To search for Taxonomy, use the Taxonomy Search icon or go to Start > Taxonomy > Taxonomy Search. The search filters are in the left hand expandable search box.
As an example, I type in “Phoca” and get all the results for taxonomy starting with that.
I now add “vit” and the results are more filtered.
ZIMS will also find taxonomy by the start of species or sub-species names. I types in “vitu” and results were found.
The Scientific Name hyperlink will take you into the record for the taxonomy.
The Taxonomy Record
The data in the Taxonomy record is added by Species360 Global Administrators, with the exception of some fields which are updated every 30 days with live-up-to-date International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List data. These are:
Habitat system
Habitat type
Over 35,000 taxa have been matched between the IUCN Red List data and ZIMS so far, and we hope to increase this number as we update our taxonomy. As usual, if you notice any taxonomy that isn’t up to date, please let us know by contacting .
Revised 9
September 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation