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Adding Taxonomic Synonyms


How to record a preferred local synonym to the ZIMS Taxonomic List and how it displays in Reports.


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ZIMS lets you add a preferred local synonym for both Common and Scientific Names. Go to Taxonomy > Details > Synonym > Add New.


1.Select Common or Scientific Name

2.Language is optional. ZIMS is available in English, Spanish, Russian and Japanese.

3.Enter the desired synonym.

4.You can add a Reference URL if you want.

5.If you want this Name to display in records and reports you will need to check the Preferred box.

6.Add any details that you want included.


The synonyms will display in the Synonym grid. The house icon indicates they were added locally and the Preferred check indicates these are your Preferred Names.


Both the new synonyms will appear in the dropdown lists for selection when searching for Taxonomy.


In the Basic Info grid, both your preferred synonyms and the globally recognized names will display.


On Specimen Reports the globally recognized Scientific Name will display first, your local synonym Common Name and Scientific Name will follow.


On Inventory Reports your local synonyms will display.



Taxon Reports will continue to display the globally recognized Common and Scientific Names.



Revised 5 March 2025




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