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Taxon Profiles

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Taxon Profiles is a tool that replaces the Survival, Reproduction and Growth Report. Taxon Profiles acts as a single comprehensive resource where users can discover more about species managed globally within ZIMS. IUCN Red List status, CITES listing, Studbook and Species holding figures can be viewed in one area, alongside a wealth of reports on Survival, Reproduction and Weights.


Role Management


Taxon List

Taxon Profile

Weight reports

Survival reports

Reproduction reports

Data inclusion criteria help


Role Management

Role access can be granted by a Local Admin through Role Management under Global Reports and Tools > Taxon Profiles.


If a user had access to Survival, Reproduction and Growth Reports, they will automatically have access to Taxon Profiles. Any other users will need access to be granted by their Local Admin. 

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When logged into ZIMS through you can access Taxon Profiles from the ZIMS Start Menu under New Features when you have been granted permissions. Note, users will need to have Taxonomy/Basic Information permissions in their assigned role to see taxon profile results.




1. In the ZIMS Start Menu, if you have the required permissions, you'll see the following:

2. "New Features" section.

3. Depending on your permissions, you will see links to open the mobile friendly features in a new browser.








Once accessed, Taxon Profiles will open as a new tab within your internet browser in the new sub-domain:


When using the new features, you will see a new navigation menu option:

1. The menu at top right will open...

2. The side-bar navigation with options to switch to different tools.

3. Access to the traditional ZIMS desktop is available here.

4. Your current institution and the option to log-out is available here.


Your original ZIMS browser tab will remain open so navigation between the two is simple. Note, if you log-out in the Taxon Profiles, you will close your main ZIMS Session as well.

It’s also possible to directly access a Taxon Profile for a species by adding the scientific name to the URL, for example: gorilla

Ensure gaps are left between genus and species (gorilla gorilla NOT gorillagorilla).


QR Codes


When you have loaded a specific species page, you can generate a QR Code for download. When scanning this link from a mobile device, users will be taken directly to the species information page.



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Taxon List

Taxon Profiles will initially display a search bar and blank state.
1. Use the search bar to filter results by taxonomic rank of family or lower, or type the species name for specific searches.

2. Hover over a column and this icon will appear. Click this to open the column management dropdown.

3. An arrow in the column indicates the list's sorting direction (ascending or descending).

4. Click the species name to open its Taxon Profile. If this logo         appears next to a species, it indicates that this Taxon Profile includes data from sub species too.

5. The small scroll bar can be used to search through the list of taxa.

6. Clicking on the institution name opens a dropdown which allows users to log out.


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Taxon Profile

The Taxon profile is comprised of two main components.

Highlighted in red, the left panel summary contains information such as CITES, IUCN status, Studbooks and Population size. This information is updated live from the ZIMS database each time a Taxon Profile is opened.

Highlighted in yellow, the right panel contains Global weight information. This information is updated quarterly. Reproduction and survival tabs will be developed and released at a later date.


For more information regarding data inclusion rules see this document here.


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Weights reports

This tab contains a single plot called Body weight pattern, that displays mean body weight as a line, and a shaded area to represent one standard deviation above and below the mean growth curve by age range.  There is a filter to view data based on sex type. All data included in the weight reports are Species360 records extracted from ZIMS for Husbandry.

  1. Hover over any point on the graph to view more information for a particular age class.
  2. View the number of individuals and separate weight events that contributed to this weight graph.
  3. Use the filter button to see weights for different sex types, if available.
  4. Click this icon to open a menu for exporting the graph.



  1. Highlight an area on the graph to zoom into an age range. The first weeks of life are summarized in days instead of months.  This provides greater granularity as animals are rapidly growing.  Details for each data range are provided in the hover over label for clarity.
  2. Use the reset zoom button to return to the full graph.


Additionally, when your institution holds the specific taxa, you will have the option to search your holding and select an individual to overlay over the global averages.


  1. Enter the ID of an individual from your collection
  2. Individual weight data points are overlaid on the graph below
  3. Filtering by sex option available

Overlay the institutional weight business rules:


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Survival reports

Survival reports will be added in future releases.


Reproduction reports

Reproduction reports will be added in future releases.

Revised 5 March 2025