This tool is used to create a complete export of the studbook data in XML format. It can be used for data analysis and research outside of ZIMS.
The ability to perform a studbook export in XML is controlled by your Studbook Role. The Studbook Admin must give access to Search/View Data Export in the Studbook Role. The export is available for regional and institutional Studbooks.
Once the role for Data Export has been assigned, you can find the export under Tools > Data Export in the left-hand navigation when an Animal List is open. Select “Begin Export” to initiate a full XML export of the studbook. This tool will export the full studbook regardless of what screen you are on when you run the export. You will receive a message in the upper left-hand corner that your request is queued up. The export will run in the background and you can continue working in the studbook and even log off while it is running. There is no visual indication that it is running other than the initial notification and you cannot stop the export.
The export data will begin downloading automatically when the export is complete, and you will receive a message that the download has started in the upper left-hand corner. If you close the Studbook module or ZIMS during the export, the next time you log into the Studbook it will automatically download to your browser (if completed). Once downloaded it will remain on the server for seven days until you download it.
Depending on the size of the studbook it might take quite a bit of time to complete since it is exporting all the animal and studbook data for the entire Studbook. If your request is in a queue, meaning you or multiple people are running exports at the same time, ZIMS will run the exports in the order of the requests, finishing the first request before starting on the second. First one started, first one done.
The export is downloaded as a zipped file. When ready it will appear in the lower left-hand corner of your browser or it can be found in your Download folder. The folder will be named by the association or institution managing the studbook and then the studbook name.
Overlay data is not exported in the Data Export tool at this time.
The following information is included in the XML Export:
Studbook Overview
Basic information
Species notes
Taxonomy details
Assignments - list of names, institutions, title, start date, end date, role
User defined fields
MULT list
Local institutions list and all their information
All animal detail information for each animal in the studbook (permanent IDs, temp IDs, and draft animals)
Basic information
User defined fields
If the export fails, you will receive a message in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. If this happens, please contact our support team for assistance at .
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation