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There are two types of updates from institutional data that are available for your studbook:

Suggested Animals

Pending Updates


1.Suggested Animals

Suggested Animals are animals recorded in ZIMS but cannot be found as records in your studbook. These are created by:

Column Customization Note
Whereas in other Studbook lists you can customize columns to include additional types of data, in the Suggested List you cannot add: Studbook ID or UDF to this list view as these data are linked with husbandry data and are not currently included in customization.


Selecting to View List for Suggested Animals the complete list will appear. You can use the collapsing filter box at the top to limit the list to Local (your Regional Association) or Global. You can also filter the list by those records with a possible match in your studbook and those without.


You have four action options for Suggested Animals:

You can view any Rejected Animals by selecting View Rejected Animals at the top of the list.


You can view any Suggested Animals that have been created by merges/splits or deletions in the Husbandry modules by selecting View Husbandry Data Fix Report at the top of the list.


From within a Suggested Animal record, you can view the Husbandry record by selecting View Animal Detail in Husbandry.


2.Pending Updates

Pending Updates are for animal records in your studbook that have been updated in ZIMS at the institutional level but not in your studbook. You will receive Pending updates for:

There are three situations where you will NOT receive Pending Updates from institution records:

You can filter the Pending Updates list by any number of the six topics. Within the record the number of Pending Updates is displayed at the top. In addition, the grids that have updates will display the number and the Institutional Records, in addition to the Studbook Data, will by default be open. Selecting the ? to the left of the Institutional Data gives the following options:

If there are conflicts between Studbook Data and Institution Records, they will display in red in the Institution Records grid.


Additional pending records and linking ‘best practices’ information available via these Association supported documents:


More available inside ZIMS (must be logged in):


Revised 5 March 2025




It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation