The Reports and Tools that are found under the Tools menu in ZIMS for Studbooks.
The Tools menu is found in the left hand Dashboard when any of the Studbook Lists are open (Living Animals, All Animals, Suggested Animals and Pending Updates).
Census Report and Graph
Age Structure
Data Migration Validation Report
Location Validation Mapping Report
Managed Groups
This Report will display a yearly census taken on the date specified. The first part (left side) of the report provides the Census count, the second part (right side) details how that count was produced.
1.Select the date you want the Census taken on, often this is the first or last date of a year. By default, it will start from last year and run through the earliest year recorded in your Studbook.
2.Select the Taxonomy to be covered in the Census. Some Studbooks cover multiple subspecies.
3.You can select specific Institutions, Continents, Countries or Associations to run the report for. You can also save these filters for later use.
4.In reverse, you can select to Exclude specific Institutions.
5.You can select to filter the Report on selected UDFs (User Defined Fields).
When you are done selecting your filters you can select to include animals with undetermined transaction date, Generate Raw Data (create the Report) or Generate Graph.
*Note, viewing Raw Data will provide you the option to view columns listing the total count of holding institutions for that year and the total count of breeding holders for that year:
If you select Generate Raw Data, the Report will display. This is the left-hand side of the Report and supplies the Census count by Population Size, Wild Born and Captive Born.
1.You can go back to your filters to create new ones.
2.The filters you have selected will display.
3.You can also View Graph from this screen.
4.You can download the data to Excel.
5.The numbers are hyperlinks that will open a list of the animals.
This is the right-hand side of the Report and supplies details of the Census such as Births, Deaths and Wild Captures. Note that the year column is frozen so it is always visible even if you scroll to the right.
You can select to View Graph from either the filter screen or the results grid.
1.Go back to your filters using the Back to Filters button.
2.The filters used for the graph display at the top.
3.You can view the raw data from this screen.
4.Use the hamburger icon to view in Full Screen, print the chart or download to various formats.
5. Hovering over any point in the graph will display the details for that year.
6.Clicking on a field allows you to remove it from the Graph.
7.You can run the Graph by Sex or Birth Type and you can select to include transaction details.
Double clicking on the transaction details bars will bring up another graph that displays sex type.
1.To go back to the filters select Back to Filters
2.To go back to the graph, select Back to Census
3.To view the data select View Raw Data
To select a smaller time frame, left click and drag your mouse over the desired area.
Click here for a
video overview of the Age Structure tool
To access Age Structure, open the Tools menu while inside of your desired studbook:
Note: Animals with undetermined age estimates are removed by default. Select the filter to include them if desired.
Click “show breeding” button at the bottom of the chart to include:
Males that…
Females that…
To select a specific set of age classes, left click and drag your mouse over the desired area.
The selected data will be displayed – you can reset the view to include all data by pressing the ‘reset zoom’ option.
Additional filters available:
Taxonomy and UDF Filters:
Export the data to image files via the top left ‘hamburger menu’.
The Export to PMx is used by Population Managers when making recommendations.
The Data Validation Report compares the data in the legacy application (SPARKS or PopLink) and the data in ZIMS after migration. This report is created as a tool for the Studbook Keeper to confirm the data migrated as expected. Species360 recommends reviewing this report after migration.
There are expected differences in the numbers in this Report:
• Total transaction/birth transactions: Birth transactions are mandatory in ZIMS. The migration process creates birth transactions for all wild caught animals or any animal without a birth transaction in SPARKS or PopLink. Therefore, the ZIMS studbook may have a higher number of birth transactions than the legacy studbook.
• Birth Location with most number of births: Could change as a result of adding the birth transactions during migration.
• Transfer location with most number of transfers: Could change as a result of adding the birth transactions during migration.
• Institution Counts: ZIMS has corrected any geography locations entered as institutions. This may affect the number of Institution Counts
If your counts are different for any other categories contact with questions.
At the top of the Data Migration Validation Report you may see some Data Quality Errors that may have caused problems with migration. These include:
• For SPARKS and PopLink:
• Birth/Hatch transaction is not the first event
• Wild capture is not the first transaction or does not follow a release or birth
• For PopLink:
• A recapture transaction does not follow a release transaction
• A LTF transaction is not the last transaction or follows a transaction other than Return from LTF
Species360 recommends addressing these issues prior to migration.
Deleted Studbook IDs were tracked within PopLink. The DMV report documents these deleted IDs in the last row of the report for studbooks migrated from PopLink. These IDs cannot be reused in the studbook once it is migrated to ZIMS.
The Location Validation Mapping Report compares legacy software location values to the locations they were mapped to during the migration process into ZIMS and provides the Studbook IDs of the animals with that location in their record.
Some information about this Report:
• Global
• The system will map institutions that were previously entered as user defined institutions in the legacy studbook to global institutions if it can match it to a Species360 global institution.
• If the studbook is using an historic mnemonic, the system will update the mnemonic to the newly recognized mnemonic.
• Local
• When the system cannot find a match to an institution in the global list or the geographic location list, it is added as a local institution.
• Geographical
• When a mnemonic matches a ZIMS geographic location, it will be mapped to a geolocation and listed in the mapping report.
Above is an example of the system mapping an historic mnemonic to the newly recognized ZIMS mnemonic.
• Historically this institution was PITTS CA and recently the mnemonic changed to NATAVPGH.
• During migration, PITTS CA was changed to NATAVPGH for the animals listed in the grid.
You cannot assign an ID already in use. Once an animal is assigned a Studbook ID, the number is permanent and cannot be edited or reassigned unless the animals full record is deleted. The temporary ID remains unavailable for future use unless the draft animal record is deleted from the studbook before completing the record. This is due to the fact that the draft ID is adda to the identifier table in the animal’s record to document the previous temporary ID.
The Animal Comparison Tool allows you to compare two animal details side-by-side. This is especially helpful should you think you have duplicate records or are looking for a match. You can compare 2 Studbook Animals, 2 GANs (from Husbandry) or a Studbook Animal and a GAN (from Husbandry). When comparing a Husbandry record with a Studbook record, the Husbandry record displays in dark blue with “Suggested Animal” text. The Studbook record displays in light blue with “Studbook Animal” text.
The MULT List will display a list of your possible parentage “MULT groupings”. This Tool only displays if you have MULT parents in your Studbook. It also shows what records these MULTs have been used in. All studbook IDs are hyperlinks into the specific animal’s record.
Multiple parents will list in the Animal lists and on an individual’s record – when hovering over the
link you will be presented with the known possible parentage in a pop up:
This report displays the number of animals an institution has held within its collection. The list will default to show all collections that have ever held the species. The report will show current and historical holdings. Use the filter options to filter by institution, date, taxonomy and UDF. Filtering by date will add a column with the holdings for that date period.
The columns can be sorted, customized and re-ordered. The Holdings numbers are hyperlinks to a results grid where you can go directly into the Animal record.
More details about the Institution Holding report .
Click here for a video overview of the Institution Holding Report .
The Pedigree Reports are available in the Tools menu and also directly within the animal record. You can select to view:
If the focal animal is included in a MULT parent, it will be included in the Antecedent and Descendant list and may inflate the number of animals in the list.
Above is an Antecedent List. From all the results grids you can go back into the record by selecting View Animal. You can also limit the list to current animals by checking the Living Only box.
Above is an Unknown Pedigree Report (only available from the Tools menu). If you want to view only current animals check the Living Only box.
This tool is used to create a complete export of the studbook data in XML format. It can be used for data analysis and research outside of ZIMS.
The ability to perform a studbook export in XML is controlled by your Studbook Role. The Studbook Admin must give access to Search/View Data Export in the Studbook Role. The export is available for regional and institutional Studbooks.
Once the role for Data Export has been assigned, you can find the export under Tools > Data Export in the left-hand navigation when an Animal List is open. Select “Begin Export” to initiate a full XML export of the studbook. This tool will export the full studbook regardless of what screen you are on when you run the export. You will receive a message in the upper left-hand corner that your request is queued up. The export will run in the background and you can continue working in the studbook and even log off while it is running. There is no visual indication that it is running other than the initial notification and you cannot stop the export.
The export data will begin downloading automatically when the export is complete, and you will receive a message that the download has started in the upper left-hand corner. If you close the Studbook module or ZIMS during the export, the next time you log into the Studbook it will automatically download to your browser (if completed). Once downloaded it will remain on the server for seven days until you download it.
Depending on the size of the studbook it might take quite a bit of time to complete since it is exporting all the animal and studbook data for the entire Studbook. If your request is in a queue, meaning you or multiple people are running exports at the same time, ZIMS will run the exports in the order of the requests, finishing the first request before starting on the second. First one started, first one done.
The export is downloaded as a zipped file. When ready it will appear in the lower left-hand corner of your browser or it can be found in your Download folder. The folder will be named by the association or institution managing the studbook and then the studbook name.
The following information is included in the XML Export:
Studbook Overview
Basic information
Species notes
Taxonomy details
Assignments - list of names, institutions, title, start date, end date, role
User defined fields
MULT list
Local institutions list and all their information
All animal detail information for each animal in the studbook (permanent IDs, temp IDs, and draft animals)
Basic information
User defined fields
If the export fails, you will receive a message in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. If this happens, please contact our support team for assistance at .
Overlay data is not exported in the Data Export tool at this time.
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation