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What is a Global Institution?

What are the Advantages of Global Institutions?

How to Get a Global Institution Added

What Happens Now?


What is a Global Institution?

An Institution in ZIMS refers not only to established zoos and aquariums, it can also be private breeders, educational facilities or listing authorities. A Global Institution in ZIMS is one that can be seen and used by all ZIMS Users in all modules of ZIMS – Husbandry, Medical and Studbook.


Local Institutions in ZIMS can be added for an institution or for a studbook.


What are the Advantages of Global Institutions?

As mentioned, Global Institutions can be viewed and used by all ZIMS Users. Local Institutions are only seen by your institution. If you added a Local Institution to the list in one of your studbooks it is only visible in THAT studbook. If you hold multiple studbooks, you would need to add it to the institution list in ALL of your studbooks.


Promoting a Local Institution you use to a Global Institution in ZIMS helps with continuity and keeping institutions standardized. It avoids having the same institution entered in multiple ways in multiple Local institution lists.


How to Get a Global Institution Added

Getting a Global Institution added is simple. Contact and request the addition.

You need to provide out support team with the following information:


The following information is not mandatory but can be helpful for the support team yo verify the institution:


What Happens Now?

Species360 support will research your request and confirm that the institution is not already in the Global Institution list.  If the institution is in the Global list, support will provide you with the institution’s mnemonic. If the institution is not in the Global list, the support team will let you know when the institution has been added and its mnemonic. You should check the entry for accuracy and confirm the addition with support.


The institution will now appear in the Global Institution list for use by you and all other ZIMS Users in all the ZIMS modules.


Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation