Highest Priority The following items have the largest impact on your migration success. If left unaddressed, they can cause major conflicts that cannot be corrected in ZIMS. It is strongly encouraged that these items are resolved by the end of the first deployment week.

     Check Studbook Keeper Information

o         Ensure current studbook keeper is listed in SPARKS/PopLink and email matches ZIMS account.

o         Work with your ZIMS Local Admin if your email needs to be confirmed or updated in ZIMS.

     Define Studbook Scope

     Create MULT List

     Confirm Taxonomy

High Priority It is probable the following items will prevent you from migrating on time if not addressed.

     Create ZIMS Login

     Test PopLink/SPARKS Functionality

Medium Priority   Not addressing the following items will not prevent you from migrating to ZIMS. However, they will likely increase the amount of time it takes you to get up and running after deployment

     Identify Duplicate GANs

     Complete Identifier Information

     Correct Bad Data

Low Priority if you have time, you can do this as well but it will be equally easy to complete in ZIMS. It will not affect your time to get up and running after deployment.

     Update Studbook