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ZIMS for Studbooks PMx Export Documentation

This document is based on ZIMS exports current to 21 September 2020 and PMx Version 1.6.20200408.


Below is a detailed explanation of how the data selected in the ZIMS for Studbooks PMx export is exported to the data files that are imported into PMx for analysis.

Contact SPECIES360 Support


Note: Download the newest version of PMx prior to using ZIMS for Studbooks exports. The new ZIMS exports are not supported by older versions of PMx.

PMx is currently available here and is supported by SCTI (not supported by Species360):

Additional PMx Resources:

Once a user selects to run the PMx export they will receive notification that their export is being run. After they receive this notification they can choose to run additional PMx exports or close the PMx screen and continue to work on their studbook. The export will run behind the scenes and once it is completed the user will receive a notification and the export will automatically download to their browser. This prevents the export from timing out, resulting in the PMx project not being created, which used to happen for very large studbooks. The export will run in the background for as long as needed and the user can continue to work on their studbook while waiting for the export to complete. If the user closes the studbook module or logs out of ZIMS prior to the export completing, the next time they open the studbook the export(s) will automatically download. The database will save the exports for one week; if the user does not log in within that time they will need to re-run the export.


Overall Filter Rules:


Overall ZIMS PMx Export Rules:


ZIMS File Export (previously ped file)

ZIMS File Header:


Overall ZIMS File Export Rules:



ZIMS File Column Definitions:










MULT Definitions:

At the bottom of the ZIMS export, all of the MULT#’s are defined. This includes studbook IDs of the parents in the MULT and the probabilities assigned to those parents in ZIMS.

MULTS are displayed as follows:

Census Report:


Demographic and Genetic CSV Files

CSV File Header:


Overall CSV File Export Rules:


CSV File Column Definitions:





Multiple Moves in CSV Files:


Animals with Undetermined/Indeterminate Birthdate Estimates:


Undetermined Transactions:

Undetermined Exit Dates (Death, LTF, Released):

Items to Note:



Revised 5 March 2025  




This document is based on ZIMS exports current to 20 Feb 2020 and PMx Version 1.5.20190116

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