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Including In Situ Animals in PMx Export from ZIMS for Studbooks



ZIMS for Studbooks PMx export allows the user to include in situ animals into the PMx export to more efficiently manage their full population. Only studbooks that manage animals in the wild should check the in situ box when exporting to PMx.


What happens if the include in situ box is UNCHECKED when exporting to PMx?

What happens if the include in situ box is CHECKED when exporting to PMx?

Below is a detailed description of what happens in the PMx export when the include in situ box is checked:


Frequently Asked Questions:


How do I know if I should check the in situ box?

It is recommended to only check the include in situ box if you manage animals in the wild as part of your managed program. The majority of programs managed in studbooks only manage animals in captivity, so you would not check the box. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your regional association or reach out to the SCTI team at


What if I want to include the wild animals in my managed genetic population but only include the captive population in the demographic analysis?

In this case, we would recommend that you run two PMx exports. One with the in situ box unchecked, this will give you the demographic data and only includes animals in captivity (and whatever additional filters you apply). Then another PMx export with the box checked, this will give you the genetically managed population and include the in situ animals as part of the managed population. When creating your export, you would use the demographic file from the unchecked export and the genetic and ZIMS file from the checked export.


If you have questions on the best way to create a PMx project for your species, please contact your regional association or the SCTI team at


Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation