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Husbandry Animal Record Merge, Split, Delete Actions and Their Impact on Studbook Records

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ZIMS Studbook records can potentially be impacted by changes in ZIMS Husbandry records. This document covers what happens when a Husbandry animal that is linked to an animal in the Studbook is merged (combined) with another Husbandry animal, split (one record made into two) or deleted (removed) in the Husbandry module.

See: Husbandry Split and Merge Options


Merge Actions:


         Merge = A action in ZIMS that takes two duplicate animals (source and target) in Husbandry and combines them into one animal. The final result is all of the animal data is now in one record. After the merge, the source animal record (data and GAN) will be deleted and the target animal record (combine data from both records and target GAN) remains. Only Species 360 Support can conduct a merge.

         Source animal = Animal in Husbandry that is being merged into another animal. This Source animal record and GAN is deleted from Husbandry.

         Target animal = Animal in Husbandry that accepts the source animal information from the merge. Target animal data and GAN remains in Husbandry. The Source record GAN becomes an Old Accession Number under Identifiers in the Husbandry record.

What happens to the animals in a studbook that are linked to Husbandry records that are merged depends on if they are already entered in the studbook, in the Suggested Animals list, or in the Rejected Animals list. Below documents the result of a merge on these types of studbook animals.

If an animal in the Studbook (draft or permanent) is linked to an animal in Husbandry that is merged in Husbandry, then:





The Husbandry Data Fix Report is found on the Suggested List:


If a Husbandry animal record is displayed in the Suggested Animal list (local or global) with or without a suggested link and this animal is merged in Husbandry, then:

If a Husbandry animal (local or global) has been rejected and displays on the Rejected List (on the Suggested List) in the studbook with or without suggested links and animal is merged in Husbandry then:



Split Actions:


         Split = An action in ZIMS that takes one animal in Husbandry and splits them into two different animals. The final result is two animals each with pieces of data from the original animal. Moving forward, both animals will be managed as separate animals in Husbandry. Only Species 360 Support can conduct a split.

What happens to the animals in a studbook that are linked to Husbandry records that are split depends on if they are already entered in the studbook, in the Suggested Animals list, or in the Rejected Animals list. Below documents the result of a split on these types of studbook animals.


If an animal in the studbook (draft or permanent) is linked to an animal in Husbandry that is split:

         The link between the studbook animal and the split animal in Husbandry will be broken.

         The two new Husbandry GANs (from the split) will show in the Suggested List (if the animals match the taxonomy criteria for the Suggested List) and they will show suggested matches for studbook animals that match link criteria.

         The split information will display in the new Husbandry Data Fix Report as follows:

o         ID: The GAN of the animal that was linked to the studbook animal prior to split.

o         Previous Link: The SB# or DRAFT# of the studbook animal that was linked prior to split.

o         Date: Date the link for the studbook animal was broken due to split.

o         Reason: GAN XXX was removed and split into GAN XXX in Husbandry.


If the Husbandry animal is displayed on the Suggested List (local or global) with or without suggested link and the animal is split in Husbandry:


If the Husbandry animal is displayed on the Rejected List (local or global), with or without suggested link and the animal is split in Husbandry, then:


Delete Action:


         Delete = An action in ZIMS that removes the animals from the system. Institutions can delete animals at their own institution from ZIMS.

What happens to the animals in a studbook that are linked to Husbandry records that are deleted depends on if they are already entered in the studbook, in the Suggested Animals list, or in the Rejected Animals list. Below documents the result of a deletion on these types of studbook animals.



If a Husbandry animal is linked to an animal in the studbook and the Husbandry animal is deleted:


If a Husbandry animal is in the Suggested List (local or global) and the Husbandry animal is deleted:


If a Husbandry animal is on the Rejected Suggested Animal List (local or global) and the Husbandry animal is deleted:



Revised 5 March 2025


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