Estimated Dates in ZIMS for Studbooks
How date estimates work in ZIMS for Studbooks.
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Many dates can be estimated in ZIMS for Studbooks. Commonly estimated dates are births, deaths, and transfers.
See related husbandry date estimations help here.
Date Estimate Types and Definitions:
A type of date estimate where a Start Date and an End Date are entered. You know the event occurred sometime between those two dates.
Mid-point date between the range dates entered by the user is used for filtering, displays, and analysis in ZIMS and PMx.
Date estimate displays in PMx export as the UOM based on the dates selected by user (+/- UOM)
User selects range of January 1, 1975 – February 1, 1975 system will export date as Jan 16, 1975 (+/- 1 Month)
User selects range of January 1, 1975 – January 3, 1975 system will export date as Jan 02, 1975 (+/- 2 Days)
A type of estimated date that occurred sometime before the recorded date.
Date entered by user is used for filtering, displays, and analysis in ZIMS and PMx.
Date estimate displays in PMx exports as ApproxAfter
A type of estimated date that occurred sometime after the recorded date.
Date entered by user is used for filtering, displays, and analysis in ZIMS and PMx.
Date estimate displays in PMx exports as ApproxBefore
A type of estimated date that occurred sometime before or after the recorded date. Variance can be days, months or even years.
Date entered by user is used for filtering, displays, and analysis in ZIMS and PMx.
Date estimate in PMx export displays the UOM chosen by the user (+/- UOM)
+/- 1 Day
+/- 1 Month
+/- 1 Year
This is the data standard for information that is not known, but could be in the future. This replaces Unknown in legacy software.
Date entered by user is used for filtering and displays in ZIMS and is exported to PMx. However, analyses in PMx and ZIMS (census reports) may exclude animals with undetermined birthdates.
Date estimate displays in PMx exports as Undetermined
This is the data standard for information that will always be impossible to know. Serious effort has been made to find this information but could not be found.
Date entered by user is used for filtering and displays in ZIMS (census reports) and is exported to PMx. However, analyses in PMx may exclude animals with indeterminate birthdates.
Date estimate displays in PMx exports as Indeterminate
No date estimate:
No estimate is applies to the date entered.
Date entered by user is used for filtering and displays in ZIMS (census reports) and is exported to PMx.
Date estimate displays in PMx exports as None.
Revised 5 March 2025