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This Global Resource allows you to search for Studbooks using various filters. Only Studbooks currently managed in ZIMS for Studbooks will be found.



As for all ZIMS functionality, you must have access to this Tool through your Role. If you are a Studbook Keeper, this access may be assigned by your Regional Association for regional studbooks or by your Studbook Admin for institutional studbooks.


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated




The Tool opens to a search filters grid and three graphs, one for Taxonomy, one for Scope and one for IUCN Status. The total number of studbooks is displayed at the top. To view a list of all Studbooks, select View List to the right of the number of Studbooks or run a Search with no filters.

To limit the search, use the filters.





1.We searched for all studbooks managed by PAAZA.

2.The filters selected and the total number of Studbooks using the filter will display at the top. You can also switch to the graphs by selecting View Graphs. You can export the list to Excel or pdf.

3.Studbook Name displays the name as defined by the Regional Association or Institution.

4.Studbook Keeper displays the full name of the user with the title Studbook Keeper. If there is more than one Studbook Keeper a (+# more) will display.

5.Studbook Keeper Email displays the Email of the Studbook Keeper listed as the Studbook Keeper.

6.Studbook Keeper Institution display’s the Studbook Keeper’s Institution.

7.Scope displays the association if the studbook is managed by a Regional Association or the institution if the studbook is managed by an institution.

8.Living Animals displays the current number of living animals in the Studbook split by sex type (i.e. Total.Male.Female.Undetermined). If there are changes recorded in the studbook when this report is open, they may not be reflected in this count.

9.The number of current holding institutions displays.

10.IUCN Status displays the status of the species.

All columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order.


The Studbook Name is a hyperlink into a snapshot of the Studbook. This is where you can see all the people assigned to the Studbook such as the second Studbook Keeper and Species Coordinator assigned in this Studbook. If they are marked as a global contact by their institution, their Email will display and is a hyperlink to send them a message.





In the graphs, hovering over any of the pie pieces will display a total count included.


Left clicking on a Taxonomy, Scope or Status will grey them out and remove them from view.


The graphs can be printed or downloaded using the hamburger icon.


Hovering over the User Title will display the number of people with this title. Clicking the bar will open a results grid where the Studbook Name is a hyperlink to the details.


Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation