ZIMS Studbooks has many filters to help you narrow your animal lists for both Living Animals and All Animals in the studbook. It also has the ability for you to create and save favorite filters to help you reduce search time.
To filter your Animal Lists, select View List for either Living Animals or All Animals from the Studbook Dashboard. You may need to expand the filter area by using the arrow to the far right.
General Tab
By default, the General (Animal information) tab opens. If a box is blank the filtering is unrestricted for that field. The more fields with filters, the smaller the animal list becomes. The following filters are available:
To run the filter, select the Search button in the lower right-hand corner.
Your selected filters will display at the top along with how many animals and institutions are in included in the Animal List.
Date Tab
The options are:
When you select to Search, this filter will be added to the General filter results because we have not cleared that filter. Note how there are now fewer animals and institutions in your Animal List results grid.
Institution Tab
You can select specific institutions to include or exclude in the list.
Note how the number of animals and institutions continues to decrease as we have kept the filters for the previous tabs active.
Note that filtering by institutions may include animals that are no longer held at the institution(s) selected. If they have ever been held there, they will display in the animal list. Below we filtered by BROWNSVIL and OKLAHOMA. The MEMPHIS animal is included because it was born at OKLAHOMA.
You can also filter by UDF fields. Select the tab and select to Add Filter.
Note Tab
You can filter in Notes by the following fields:
Some hints for using filters:
You can save favorite filters for both the Animals and Institutions tabs. These saved filters can help save you time for commonly used filters.
Animals Tab
To create a saved filter for Animals, select the General (default) tab.
Complete the fields that you want for your filter. Above we have selected a filter for Sex = Female, Breeding = Has Bred and Rearing = Hand. The filters will display in the upper left-hand corner. Once you have selected what you desire to save, select the Save icon at the top.
To use a favorite filter, select it from the filter drop down list and select the Search button in the lower right. To reset the filter to the default, select the Reset button to the left of the Search button. To manage your favorite filter list, select the wheel icon at the top.
Institution Tab
To create a favorite filter for Institutions, select the Institution tab. Select the Institutions as desired. You can save a filter for multiple institutions. Select the Save icon to the right of the institution.
As for managing Animal favorite filters, select the wheel icon to the right of the Institution. Here you can remove any Institutions no longer wanted.
Institution favorite filters are available to select from when exporting to PMx and when running reports and exports. This saved filter functionality replaces the .FED file in SPARKS.
Revised 5 March 2025