The Data Quality list displays animals in the studbook with data quality errors ranked in High, Medium and Low priority and provides tips on how to resolve the issues.
Data Quality List is accessed from either the main studbook Dashboard or the left-hand navigation.
When saving an animal’s record, you may see that the data quality checks are recalculating while ZIMS is working on building the relevant list of issues for your record.
The Data Quality list displays all of the animals in the studbook with data quality errors.
• Animals of any status (living, dead, LTF) are included in the list
• Draft animals are included in the list allowing users to quickly see the missing required data on the draft.
• The total number displayed at the top of the list is the total number of data quality errors in the studbook.
DQ list can be filtered and sorted by using the filter bar or quick filtered by using the toggle buttons for high, medium, and low.
Three levels of data quality errors in ZIMS for Studbooks:
Low – low priority errors that likely will not impact demographic/genetic data analysis.
Medium – medium priority errors that minimally impact demographic/genetic data analysis.
High – high priority errors will impact demographic/genetic data analysis. Typically missing data or illogical data.
Correcting Data Quality Errors
• Hover over the“?” icon to view an explanation of the error and hints on how to correct the error.
• Once an error has been fixed for an animal, it will no longer display in the Data Quality list
Viewing Errors in Animal Details
• Use the Studbook ID hyperlink to navigate to the animal detail to view/fix the possible error.
• The Animal Detail Activity Steam displays all data quality errors for the individual and provides context while investigating the errors.
Dismiss Data Quality Errors
• In the Data Quality results grid you now have the option to dismiss an error by selecting the “x” to the right.
• This is very helpful for species whose normal biology populates an error such as for delayed implantation and embryonic diapause.
• You can view all dismissed errors by checking the Display Dismissed Error box should you wish to address them at a later date.
Data Quality Notes
The Data Quality list displays a link to a note that can be added to any error.
• This is a tool to help track the progress of researching and resolving errors.
• These notes are only available from the data quality screen and are note exported.
Export Data Quality Errors
Select the PDF export icon in the Data Quality List to export a list of animals with all of their errors.
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation