

ZIMS for Studbooks Sandbox to Live Transition Checklist

This checklist is for PopLink users, and must be completed before migrating to Live .

Date of Form: Oct 2019 see AZA for updates:

Studbook Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

SB Keeper: Click or tap here to enter text.

SSP Coordinator: Click or tap here to enter text.

This document provides a step-by-step checklist to guide Studbook Keepers and SSP Coordinators through the ZIMS for Studbooks Sandbox to Live transition.

The ZIMS for Studbooks Sandbox provides a testing environment, allowing users to orient themselves to the ZIMS software and manipulate studbook data without worry that any changes will be committed to the studbook. However, because no changes are carried over to Live , Studbook Keepers/SSP Coordinators must continue to update their PopLink/SPARKS studbook while their studbook remains in the Sandbox. Therefore, it behooves the SB Keeper/SSP Coordinator to build sufficient competency in ZIMS for Studbooks within the Sandbox fairly quickly so that their studbook may be migrated to Live and efforts to clean and update the studbook are saved.

Before requesting to migrate to Live, the SB Keeper/SSP Coordinator must demonstrate that they have properly reviewed their Sandbox studbook and found no issues associated with the migration process. Please go through the six steps below, answer ALL questions in this document, and provide any materials as requested/needed (fields requiring answers or actions are typed in red). This document and accompanying materials will be submitted to your advising Population Biologist for review, at which point all parties can discuss any questions/issues and determine whether the studbook is ready for migration to Live. 


  1. Review Data Migration Validation Report 
  2. Review Local Institutions and Location Validation Mapping Report
  3. Compare Data Quality Errors in ZIMS with Validation Report in PopLink 
  4. Check MULT parentage
  5. Review Pending Updates List 
  6. Review Suggested Animals List 

Please submit this completed document and accompanying materials to your advising Population Biologist. If you have not been assigned a Population Biologist, please send to

  1. Review Data Migration Validation Report

The Data Migration Validation Report in ZIMS for Studbooks provides users with a side-by-side comparison of their legacy (i.e. PopLink or SPARKS) studbook data to the data migrated into ZIMS for Studbooks.

  1. To access this report, go to Tools → Data Migration Report:


























Then export the Report to Excel and compare the numbers for each category:












NOTE: Because ZIMS for Studbooks requires that every individual have a birth/hatch event, the “Total Number of Transactions” category will likely have a higher count in ZIMS for Studbooks vs. legacy software. If the difference between these numbers does NOT equal the difference between the numbers in the “Total Birth/Hatch Transactions” category, then this is not the sole reason for the disparity and you will need to investigate further.

You may also see differences in the “Total Number of Institutions in the Studbook” category if you had geographical locations saved as institutions in your studbook. See next section for more details.

Additionally, the “Number of Animals with UDF Records” will likely differ (if your studbook used UDFs). Legacy software counts all individuals that have a UDF option, regardless of whether it is defined, whereas ZIMS for Studbooks only counts those who have defined UDF records.


Which (if any) categories have non-matching numbers? Please call attention to any differences that you cannot explain.

Click or tap here to enter text.


Do you have any Migration Data Quality Errors listed (first line of the report)?

Click or tap here to enter text.


Attach a copy of your downloaded Data Migration Validation Report with this completed document.

  1. Review Local Institutions and Location Validation Mapping Report

When you migrate your studbook to ZIMS for Studbooks any institutions that are not on the Species 360 global list or geographic location list will be migrated as local institutions (the same as User Defined Institutions in PopLink). Review your local institutions and ensure all information was migrated appropriately.

  1. Access your local institution list by clicking on ‘Institutions’ from the Studbook Overview screen, and then select ‘Local’:

















  1. Run the Location Validation Mapping Report from Tools to review how all institutions were mapped in ZIMS for Studbooks. Note: if you had a different number of total institutions in your Data Migration Validation Report above, this report should inform that difference:




































Is the number of local institutions in ZIMS equal to the number of User Defined Institutions listed in PopLink? If not, explain why.


Click or tap here to enter text.


Are there any institutions that were mistakenly listed as local institutions in ZIMS?


Click or tap here to enter text.









  1. Compare Data Quality Errors in ZIMS for Studbooks with Validation Report in PopLink

In ZIMS for Studbooks individuals with potential data errors will be listed in the Data Quality tab, where errors are further subdivided by high, medium, and low priority. While there may be historical errors in your studbook, which you have acknowledged and noted, it is important to make sure the migration process did not create new, unexpected errors. The SB keeper must compare the Data Quality list in ZIMS for Studbooks to that in the legacy software before migrating from the Sandbox to Live. 

  1. In PopLink, select Run Validation Report → Detailed Error List by Studbook ID:





















  1. In ZIMS for Studbooks, navigate to Data Quality screen and sort Data Quality List by Studbook ID:










  1. Compare reports and identify any individuals with differences (i.e. an individual that has an error in ZIMS but not in PopLink, or vice versa; an individual has an additional error not present in PopLink).

NOTE : While ZIMS for Studbooks generally uses the same error codes and rules as PopLink, there are some notable changes in ZIMS for Studbooks that may cause discordance. For example, ZIMS for Studbooks requires that the first event always be a hatch/birth. So if there is a wild-caught individual, ZIMS for Studbooks will pull the estimated hatch/birth date from the Master table to create a birth/hatch event. However, it may not order the events correctly, typically resulting in the following errors:

 EM-16: first transaction is not a birth or hatch

 EM-22: No acquisition transaction after wild or unknown hatch/birth


Often you will need to go into these individual records and edit the time stamp for each event so that the birth/hatch precedes the wild capture, and then both errors will be removed. Please note any such errors in this document but do NOT bother fixing each error until you migrate to Live since these changes will not be saved in the Sandbox.

For a complete description of Data Quality codes and error mapping in ZIMS for Studbooks please consult the ZIMS for Studbook Training Index document and select “Data Quality Codes.”


How many individuals have differing error reports? Summarize why these differences are occurring.

Click or tap here to enter text.


If needed, list the SB numbers for which you are having difficulty explaining so that a reviewing Population Biologist can help investigate.

Click or tap here to enter text.










  1. Check MULT parentage

Ensure that all MULT parents were migrated properly (if applicable to your studbook).

  1. If you have MULT parents in your studbook but migrated with an incomplete or no MULT list, then the MULTs will not be coded properly. Undefined MULT parents will be formatted as follows in the sire and/or dam field of your migrated studbook:






When you look at “All Animals in Studbook” and sort by sire/dam, do you have any MULTs that appear to be undefined?

Click or tap here to enter text.


If yes, are all the MULTs formatted this way, or is just a subset of the MULTs?

Click or tap here to enter text.


If all MULTs are formatted this way, then the studbook likely did not migrate with a MULT list. Conversely, if only a subset are formatted this way, then some MULTs must have been left off the submitted MULT list. In either case, a new MULT list will need to be submitted. If you have questions or would like some assistance with the MULT list, please contact your AZA Population Biologist or the PMC at Please send any MULT list you may have at this point with this completed document.


  1. If all of your MULTs appear to be defined, check ~5 MULTs in ZIMS for Studbooks for concordance with definitions in legacy software. You can quickly see a list of all MULTs in ZIMS for Studbooks and who they are assigned to by clicking Tools → MULT List (example on next page).

Are there any differences between the MULTs you checked in each software? If so, please list any differences below.

Click or tap here to enter text.


































  1. Review Pending Updates List

These pending updates will largely point to disparities between ZIMS for Husbandry and studbook data for a given individual and will need to be addressed once you migrate to Live; however, they may also allude to potential issues in the data migration process. Please review the following questions:








  1. Which category has the most pending updates for your studbook (i.e. Transactions, Parent, Taxonomy, etc.)?

Click or tap here to enter text.

  1. With respect to Taxonomy, do you have all possible taxa that institutions may be using for your species listed in the Studbook Overview? Pending updates for “Taxonomy” may reveal taxa that you have not previously associated with your studbook.
    1. While you can only migrate your studbook with one primary taxonomy, you can add as many additional taxa as are needed.
    2. Use the pending updates screen to help create a list of taxa (i.e. “secondary taxonomies”) you may want to add to your studbook. 


Did the pending updates list suggest you need to attach more taxa to your studbook? If yes, please list here. When your studbook is ready to migrate to Live this list can be submitted to with the updated migration materials to ensure all appropriate taxa are included.

Click or tap here to enter text.







  1. Review Suggested Animals List

The Suggested Animals List includes individuals who have a taxonomic designation that matches the taxonomy (or taxonomies) specified for your studbook, but which were not automatically linked to an existing individual studbook record. During migration, ZIMS for Studbooks examines three criteria for linking studbook and ZIMS for Husbandry records: 1) Studbook ID + authorizing region, 2) mnemonic + local ID, and 3) transponder ID. If a single match is found based on, at least, one of the three criteria, the Global Accession Number (GAN) will be automatically linked to the appropriate individual in the studbook. The GANs on the Suggest Animals List will therefore be those that the software could not confidently link and will need to be individually reviewed by you upon migration to Live.

  1. Export Suggested Animal List to Excel:










How many individuals are included on your Suggested Animal List?

Click or tap here to enter text.


How many have possible matches?

Click or tap here to enter text.


If there are a substantial number of GANs that have possible matches but are not linking, can you identify a common data issue that may be preventing them from linking automatically?  

Click or tap here to enter text.





Building Competency in ZIMS for Studbooks

The following checklist highlights some skills that would be useful to practice in the Sandbox before migrating to Live (time permitting). Completion of this checklist is NOT required before migrating to Live.

1. Locate an individual’s basic information.

2. Quick search for an individual by studbook ID/GAN.

3. Export your census report with filters to Excel.

4. Create a draft individual and then save it to your studbook.

5. Delete a studbook individual from your studbook.

6. From the Pending Updates screen, accept institutional data both with and without edits into an individual studbook record.

7. Assign multiple parents to an individual in the studbook to create a new MULT. View the new MULT in the MULT List in the Tools and Reports section.

8. Navigate to the Suggested Animals screen and manually link an individual from ZIMS for Husbandry to an individual in your studbook.

9. Unlink an individual in your studbook from an individual from ZIMS for Husbandry.

10. Reject an individual from ZIMS for Husbandry from your Suggested Animal List.

11. Update the Currentness date of your studbook.

12. View the taxonomies listed in your studbook. Edit the default gestation/incubation and birth/hatch date range.

13. Add a new UDF to the Studbook in the Overview Screen.

14. Navigate to Local (User Defined) Institution list and create a local institution. Add an address, email, website and note.

15. View your studbook activity.

16. Click on the start menu, then Security Tools, then Data Entry Monitoring. Practice rolling back an edit you made in the studbook.

17. Filter your Living Animal List to ‘Has Not Bred’ and pin three individuals from the filtered list.

18. Create a saved filter of breeding aged animals.

19. Create an Institution Filter using your regional association, adding a country and excluding an institution. Save this filter.

20. Navigate to a historical individual and export its records to Excel.