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UK CITES Form User information / warning

Please review the contents of the CITES form produced by ZIMS before sending it on. Check accuracy and completeness, and be sure all required fields are completed.



Access to this report is assigned to the institutions located in the UK.

ZIMS has automatically filled in as much as possible from the data you and/or others have entered into ZIMS. This is intended as a convenience. However animal data is complex, often comes from multiple sources, and it is possible that in some circumstances ZIMS may incorrectly fill out the form.


Contact details boxes 1-3:

In summary, your institutional contact and address information is taken from ZIMS/Institutions/My Institution details page, and can be edited there.

Box 4: contains the “global” ZIMS physical identifiers, animal’s age and your recorded acquisition date.


Box 5: contains the most recently recorded weight (note if this was some time ago, or a juvenile weight for an animal now an adult, you should update the ZIMS information before generating your final version of this report).


Box 6: is set to 1 animal. The CITES rules are understood to require an application for each animal, even if group managed.

Boxes 7,8,9,10,11,16,17: use ZIMS global taxonomic values, ZIMS settings for CITES Appendices and Annexes, and current status. ZIMS is updated as often as possible with changes to CITES, but please check the source at: .


Boxes 13,14,15: contain any previous CITES permit information from prior holders.


Name of the applicant: contains the logged in user.

Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation