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TAG Data Export Explanations and Assumptions


For your consideration when using this Taxon Advisory Group data export

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This Species360 ZIMS tool-->  TAG data Export  offers current holdings of Species360 member institutions in a downloadable spreadsheet. It is intended to support strategic collection planning, such as that done by various Association Taxon Advisory Groups (TAGs).

There is one row of data per holding institution, per taxon in the spreadsheet. Current holdings of individuals and groups, by sex, are provided, along with individual births for the last 12 months.

Customizing. You may want to add subtotals or totals. A number of columns in each row provide the opportunity for filtering and sorting based on your choice of taxonomy, global IUCN Red List status, CITES, Continent, Country, Association, and holding institution mnemonic. Different spreadsheet software has different tools for filtering and sorting – for assistance with common spreadsheet software, try:

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IUCN Summary – “conservation focus”. A second tab on the downloaded spreadsheet provides summary statistics indicating one measure of the “conservation-weighting” of Species360 member collections for the taxonomic scope you select. For any taxonomic group, taxa drawn at random would likely include some from the global IUCN Red List. The statistics provided on the 2nd tab show what fraction of the taxonomic group as a whole is under various levels of threat globally according to IUCN, and the extent to which Species360 member collections are, or are not, focused on at-risk taxa. Both the number of species and the number of live animals, of species at risk/ all species, are used to evaluate the degree of “conservation focus”.



Revised 5 March 2025





It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation