A count by species of the number of animals that have occupied an enclosure(s) during a specified date range.
This report is available under the Start menu > Reports:
1.Select your desired date range.
2.Select by single Enclosures(s), Enclosure Lists or Responsible Party.
3.Include Sub Enclosure checkbox is activated only for single Enclosure selections and will not be available if using Enclosure Lists or Responsible Party.
4.Select the desired Taxonomic Scope.
The report will provide a summary of current taxonomic holdings with the following layout:
*The Move In and Move Out columns are counting the “number of times” an animal has been moved in or out, not the “number of animals” moved. If you move an animal in, then back out, then back in during the selected date range, the report will show two Move Ins and one Move Out.
Note: Eggs and pre-birth not included (same rules for inventory report)
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Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations.
www.Species360.org – Global Information Serving Conservation