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Species360 Template Roles

Providing ZIMS access to your users with Species360 controlled template roles


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If the Species360 template Roles meet your needs, you can assign access to your staff with these dynamic Species360 controlled roles. For Template Roles, as new ZIMS features are developed these Roles are automatically updated.


Species360 Template roles are noted with (Species360) in the role name. You will notice you can only view the level of access these roles provide and you cannot edit their names or module access.

Husbandry Template Roles

Medical Template Roles
Help with Custom Roles

Husbandry Roles

Local Admin - A role that gives access to all functions of ZIMS for Husbandry, including assigning roles to other users.

Parent Institution Staff Management Only - A role that only gives staff editing rights for members that have multi-institution log-ins.

Population Manager - a basic role that gives read only access to some basic animal details and husbandry related global reports and tools, recommended for Studbook Keepers.

Read Only - A role that gives read only access to all areas of ZIMS for Husbandry.

Regional Association - a role that gives access to basic global animal data and global reports and tools for association members.

Insights – Husbandry -  a role that only gives access to some Global Reports and tools.

User - a role that gives access to almost all functions of ZIMS for Husbandry (except pending transactions, incomplete accessions, calendar task editing, and some institutional data)

Vet-Husbandry -  a role that gives read only access to most husbandry records that a vet may need to access for medical reasons.


Medical Roles

Medical Admin - a role that gives access to all functions of ZIMS for Medical.

Read-Only Medical - a role that gives read only access to all functions of ZIMS for Medical.

Insights - Medical - a role that gives access to Anesthesia Summaries, Drug Usage Extracts and Expected Test Results.

Veterinarian - a role that gives access to all functions of ZIMS for Medical except assigning roles to other users.



For assistance with creating custom Roles see:



Revised 5 March 2025





It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation