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My Institution- Adding and Editing Staff in ZIMS

Contact Species360 Support


 Adding and editing your Staff is often one of the primary responsibilities of the Local Administrator for your Institution.


To find the Staff grid go to Start Menu > Institution > My Institution > Staff grid


To add a new Staff member, click on the Actions menu and choose the Add New Staff option.


Provide the required details (red asterisks) and any additional details you wish to track. 

1.The Email address must be a valid address as this new staff member will be required to validate it before they can log into ZIMS. In the perfect world, each staff member will have a unique Email address. If your staff does need to share an Email account go to Shared Email accounts . At the end of the document is a work around.

2.Choosing "Make User Visible Outside My Institution" will display this staff members’ details when someone at another institution views you institution information in ZIMS. 

3.The Job Type is a mandatory field because this is how Species360 determines who gets what type of communications. You must have someone assigned the top three Job Types. They can all be the same person, or multiple people can be assigned the Type. You will receive warning messages until all are assigned to at least one person.

4.Recording Start and End Dates can create a valuable resource.

5.You can assign the Staff member to a Team(s) from this Add New Staff screen.

When you save, you will have completed the addition of a ZIMS Staff account.  This account serves multiple purposes:

Once a staff member is recorded you can perform various actions on them using the Actions button, or right clicking on the staff member.

Using the search form at the top of the grid allows you to search by many fields.

Here is where you can select to Include Marked Obsolete. When selected the staff member will reappear in the grid and you can Restore as Active if desired.

Your next step may be to assign ZIMS Roles. Information on assigning Roles can be found here:

ZIMSHELP-MyInstitution-Custom Roles.pdf

ZIMSHELP-MyInstitution-Assigning Roles

ZIMSHELP-MyInstitution-Custom Roles.pdf

ZIMSHELP-MyInstitution-Custom Roles

ZIMSHELP-Medical - medical roles.pdf

ZIMSHELP-Medical - medical roles

ZIMSHELP-MyInstitution-Species360 Template Roles.pdf

ZIMSHELP-MyInstitution-Species360 Template Roles

ZIMSHelp-Studbooks-Update Roles.pdf

ZIMSHelp-Studbooks-Update Roles


Revised 5 March 2025




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