How to manage your permits in ZIMS.
ZIMS allows you to record, track and assign your permits. The Permit grid is found under My Institution > Details tab > Permits.
To add a new Permit, select Add New Permit from the Actions menu.
1.Permit Name: Name of the permit is a free text field. Try to develop a naming convention so it will be easier to find your Permits in a search.
2.Permit ID: Most institutions use this to record the Permit number when it is received, so it may not be available at the time you add the Permit. You can always add it later when it is known.
3.Permit Scope: The Scope can be Local or Global. It you select Global, other institutions can view it. This can be very helpful when another institution’s Permit information needs to be included in your Permit application or annual report.
4. Permit Type: Select the permit type from the dropdown list.
5. Source of Permit: This free text field is often used to record where the original permit is/will be stored.
6. Listing Authority: Select the proper listing authority from the dropdown list. If the listing authority in question is not present in the Global institution list, you can add it to your Local institution list. Go to My Institutions, and click the "add new" plus sign at the top of the module.
7.Application Prepared By: This is sourced from your Staff list and can be very important information if questions arise on your application.
8.Permit Status: Your Permit can be tracked using this field. Keeping this updated will allow your Staff to check the Permit Status on their own!
9. Effective and Expiry Date: Record the date of the current Status. Once you know an Expiry Date you can record that, or check the Indefinite box if the Permit never expires.
10.Details: Add any further information as needed.
The Permit will now display in your Permits list.
To change the Status of a Permit, select the appropriate Permit > Actions > Update Permit Status.
1.The Permit Name will default and is not editable.
2.Select the appropriate new Status.
3.Record the Date the Status changed.
4.Add any Details as desired.
Note that the Permit now has 2 records in the Status History and the effective Date has been updated.
Our Permit has now been issued so we update the Status again. We also want to update the Permit information as we now have a Permit ID and an expiration date. Select the Permit > Actions > View/Edit Permit Details.
Selecting the View Status History hyperlink in the Status Type column, we can view the progress of our application. This is also where you would edit/delete any Status changes.
The Permit search form found above the Permit list lets you search your Permits by various filters. This can be very helpful to help you identify Permits that may be expiring that you may want to re-apply for.
To view the Permit Assignments, select the Edit/View hyperlink in the Assignments column. By default, Permits are automatically assigned to your Institution. To add a new assignment, select the Add New button.
You can add additional assignments for:
Selecting the Entity will drive the remaining fields.
To Assign a Permit from within the Animal or Enclosure record go to More Details > Permits > Actions > Assign a Permit. All recorded Permits will appear in a drop down list under Permit Name.
To find permits marked as Global scope go to Reports > Global Permit Report.
1.You must select a Permit Type or a Listing Authority although you can select both.
2.If you are looking for permits effective during a specific time frame or ones that expire during a specific time frame you can record those dates.
3.The option to Include Permits Set to Local Scope will produce results ONLY when My Institution is selected below.
4.Checking to Include No Permit Recorded will include institutions that have no Global Permits of the Type or Authority selected.
5.Select the scope of the report – from Global to My Institution.
The report below was run for BALAI permits recorded by European institutions.
You can also view any Global Permits at other Institutions from the Permits grid in their Institution record. Depending on what information you are looking for this may be quicker than running a Global Permit Report as that report cannot be filtered by Institution.
Revised 5 March 2025
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