How you use Departments and Teams is up to your institution. They have similar, yet different, functionality.
Departments and Teams are found under the Details tab in My Institution.
To add a new Department , select Actions > Add New Department
1.The Department Name must be unique
2.Add members by selecting Add Department Member
3.If desired, you can mark one member as the Head
4.To delete a member, highlight it in the list and select Delete Department Member
To view a list of the Department members or to manage your Department member list, highlight it and select View/Edit under the Actions menu.
To learn how to assign Advanced Access Management using Departments see Advanced Access Management
To add a new Team select Actions > Add New Team
1.The Team Name must be unique
2.Select one of the seven Team Types
3.To add the Team members move the desired name from the Team Member side to the Selection side by highlighting and using the arrow or double clicking on the name
To view the Team Members, select the View Member hyperlink. To manage your Team members, highlight the appropriate Team and select Actions > View/Edit Selected.
You can also manage your Staff assignments to Teams and Departments from the View/Edit Staff Details screen. Simply check or uncheck the desired Department or Team from the drop down list.
Revised 5 March 2025
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