The Aquatic Enclosure Prescription/Treatment functionality allows you to record a treatment on an aquatic enclosure.
You must first record a Prescription on the Aquatic enclosure from the Medical module. Open Medical Records > New > Aquatic Enclosure Prescription. This is typically done by a member of your medical team, but access to record an enclosure prescription can be given to staff other than Veterinarians, such as Lead Aquarists, who often will record enclosure treatments.
To add an aquatic enclosure prescription, you must first select the enclosures that will be treated.
Use the Select Enclosures button and select the appropriate enclosures from the list. Only Aquatic enclosures will be available to select from.
The start date cannot be earlier than the date written. Choose your drug and treatment concentration. If the system volume for the enclosure has been defined, it will prefill, you have the option to edit. If the drug concentration, system volume and treatment concentration are all included, ZIMS dose calculator will determine the amount of drug needed. The Generate Staff Instructions button will take the information you have entered and create treatment instructions for Staff. To print these instructions, use the Print Staff Instructions option.
To record a treatment, you will go into the Enclosure record > Enclosure Treatment Record grid in the Husbandry module. Select Actions > Add New.
The Prescription will display in the upper left hand corner (1). You can record new measurements using the upper right hand data entry field (2).
If you select a date prior to or past the treatment date ranges, you will not be able to record a treatment on the Enclosure.
You can record any Actions Taken in the bottom data entry field. Checking the Create Enclosure Maintenance Record will automatically record your Action in the Maintenance grid.
All of your measurements, treatments and actions are captured in the grids.
Revised 5 March 2025
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