How to clean up your medical data.
ZIMS provides many options to help you find questionable or incomplete data in the Medical module. Some of this may have been migrated from MedARKS, but some may be recent entries that have simply not been completed or finalized.
At the top of the Medical Records main dashboard is a drop down for Medical Apps. The first two of these – Data Clean-up for Animal in Focus and Batch Data Clean-up for Removed Animals can help you clean up your Medical records. ZIMS loops through each record checking for potential data
quality problems.
What ZIMS is looking for is:
The Date Clean-up for Animal in Focus will look at only that one record. Batch Data Clean-up for Removed Animals will look in all Medical records for animals that were dispositioned/died during a
specified date range that does not exceed 92 days.
1.The total number of records (9) and how many records you have been in (2) will display at the top.
2.You can update the data and Save and move to the next record, move to the next record without editing/saving or Cancel the process.
3.The record you are in will be displayed.
4.Any possible data cleanup will be displayed. You can also update Health Status and Body Condition score from this screen.
The Anesthesia Data Quality search is found under Anesthesia search in the lower left of the Medical dashboard.
This search can help you to clean up those unfinished Anesthesia records to create a complete and finalized record. The results will display as a pie chart.
1.You can remove sections of the pie to better view others by clicking on the topic. Here we have removed any Complete records from the pie to better display those where there may be cleanup required.
2.You can select a range. Here we are looking at records from the past 10 years.
3.Hovering over the pie slice will display the number of records involved. Here we have 43 records that are missing rating/complication/recovery information.
Clicking on the pie slice will bring up a list of records with the selected missing information.
Relevant Death Information Analysis helps you find any incomplete or conflicting necropsies. This is found under Start > Global Resources > Medical Resources > Morbidity & Mortality Analysis or Start > Medical > Medical Resources > Morbidity & Mortality.
Select Relevant Death Information Analysis and My Institution scope. You can limit by taxonomy or select Animalia and check Include Taxon Below to find all the records you need to complete for your entire collection. You can also limit the results to animals that actually died under your care, removing information from animals out on loan that died elsewhere. You can also select a Death Date range.
The first graph displays the records with Uninformative RDI records, Useful RDI records, and Records with Conflicting, Suspect or Incomplete RDI records. Hovering over the bars will display the number of records of each type. There are 17 records with suspect RDI recorded.
Clicking on the bar title hyperlink or the bar itself will drill down to display another graph. Here we opened the graph for records that are Conflicting, Suspect, or Incomplete.
When you open your final bar a list of animals with records will be displayed. Here we see all
records where Undetermined/Indeterminate AND useful RDI has been recorded.
Selecting the GAN hyperlink will open the record for review and correction. In the record
Below both Undetermined and Neoplasia have been recorded. The Undetermined entry should be
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation