You can add locally used institutions and contacts in ZIMS. Sending samples to an external laboratory that is not currently recorded in the ZIMS global institution list is an example of why you would want to add a local Institution. Using a Pathologist who is not a member of your institution’s staff is an example of why you would want to add a local Contact.
It is advised that you first search the global Institution List to be sure the institution you are looking for isn't already added. To search the list, open the Institution Search module and use the left hand search box. Enter as many filters as possible to restrict the results list. Below we searched for all active Laboratories in the United Kingdom.
The Laboratory we want to add was not found so we will add a local Institution. Select the Add New button.
When you select to Save you will be asked if you want to go to detail. Select Yes to add more information. You can add additional information such as Address, Phone and Fax Numbers and Website by selecting Actions > Edit Communication Details.
You can also add a local Contact for this new Institution. Go to Contacts grid > Actions > Add New Contact.
Another way to add a Contact is from the My Institution module. Select the Contact Directory tab.
Under Actions select Add New Contact.
The screen is the same as adding a Contact when the Institution is in focus (Institution record is open) as we did previously except for the addition of the Institution Name field which is mandatory.
When searching for either local Institutions or Contacts remember to check My Institutions or My Contacts to shorten the results list.
Revised 5 March 2025
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