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Medical-Treatment Dictionary


How to Search for Treatments and add new ones.


Contact Species360 Support


 Go to Start > Medical > Dictionary > Treatment Dictionary.























 Once you select to Search, the results will be displayed. Below we searched for Homeopathic Remedies. 


Clicking on the Item Name will open a screen with details about the Treatment.



If you have a new term you wish to add to the dictionary, select the Add New button at the top of the page.


When the Add New Button is clicked a box appears showing you the different areas that you can add your Treatment Terms to. This will greatly help you decide where in the dictionary it should be placed.



Record the Active Ingredients. You can add a new ingredient here if it is not on the list.


Record the new Treatment Name (Drug/Brand Name), select the Form and the Intended Route and the Concentration. You can also add the Manufacturer, Product URL and check the remaining boxes as appropriate.



All formulations entered by users are visible and shared by the entire community – you should take great care to enter things correctly because mistakes will be seen by everyone.  We would like to emphasize that when a user finds an error in a formulation entered by another institution, the correct response is to contact that institution with a request to fix the formulation – adding that same formulation with a slightly different spelling is not a good solution because that just adds additional confusion for the rest of the community. It also makes it more difficult for us to promote a formulation to a global level entry when there are competing entries.  For this to work, it is important that institutions take the time to fix their errors when another institution makes the request. This is paramount in making this good, clean data. 


Additional Best Practices notes available in the  Pharmacy Inventory topic here.


Revised 5 March 2025





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