Test Upload functionality helps you save time and reduces data entry errors by allowing you to upload your Test results directly from the lab into the ZIMS Test Results module.
A few notes about Test Upload in ZIMS:
Test Upload is found under Start >Medical > Test Upload. If you use this often you can drag it to the desktop.
ZIMS assumes that you will use the same supported lab consistently and therefore will save the previously used lab as your default. Types of tests that can be uploaded are correlated with which Lab you are using. See Global availability for more information .
Uploading Test Results to a ZIMS medical record is a three-step process:
IDEXX VCP or Antech Diagnostics
For Antech and Gribbles Laboratories:
Only Hematology and Chemistry results can be uploaded.
For IDEXX Laboratories, Hematology and Chemistry, Endocrinology, Microbiology, Molecular diagnostics such as PCR, Pathology, Toxicology, and Urinalysis results can be uploaded.
A note about decimal format
If your region uses a comma decimal separation convention, please carefully review how the data is imported into ZIMS via the Test Result Upload module. In most cases, the data will be correct, but we have identified one region where some imported values are off by X1000 greater than expected (example: an absolute eosinophil count of 0,345x10^3/uL is interpreted as 345,00 cells/uL instead of 3450 cells/uL).
If you see this error, you should update your IDEXX preferences to use the conventional preference, typical for North America, for decimal/comma number formatting.
This is a change that must be made in your IDEXX Vet Connect profile before attempting to upload data into ZIMS. Doing this will ensure your data is accurate.
IDEXX Test Upload is currently available for members in Netherlands, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom and the United States. The feature is setup to support members in Nordic countries, and we ask members to reach out to us at support@species360.org to help us move forward in your region. As IDEXX expands to support additional regions with Vet Connect Plus, ZIMS will support that integration as well.
*To access Test Upload, use the path: Start>Medical>Test Upload
IDEXX Vet Connect Plus or Antech Diagnostics Clients:
The first time you import results from IDEXX or Antech, you will retrieve the last 2 weeks of data. Every subsequent login will import a maximum of 14 days of new results. If you use the ZIMS test upload feature infrequently, we recommend that you set a reminder to import data to ZIMS every 2 weeks to ensure all data is available. If you DO NOT import data at least every two weeks there could be gaps in your data.
Importing IDEXX Laboratories or Antech Diagnostics Test Results
The results will be displayed in the Imported Tests and Results grid below the data validation screen. Any rows with invalid data or unsupported tests will display with a red or yellow icon in the Status Column. You can hover your mouse cursor over these icons and a black box will appear, explaining why it was invalid or unsupported.
Tip: If you have questions about this message, this is a great place to take a screen shot with the message displayed, to share with your member services representative.
If you have accumulated a large number of test results that you do not intend to link to samples and upload to ZIMS, you may choose to delete them from the Test Result Upload list. This may be particularly helpful if the screen is loading very slowly.
If you have already entered the results manually, and they are listed as “not supported”, or are “invalid and cannot be uploaded,” you may choose to delete records imported on or before a specified date using the Delete Results area in the top righthand area of the screen.
Note: when using this option, the following notice will be displayed, informing you that you
cannot reimport these records into ZIMS Test Upload.
This action will permanently delete all the test panels as of (before) the date selected; you will not be able to recover or re-import them.
Another option: If you do not want to remove these panels permanently, select “Cancel,” and there is an option to hide each row one by one by clicking on the “eye” icon in the “Actions” column.
For Gribbles Veterinary Australia Clients:
Note, CBC results will display out of order. If you do not want to view their results in that way, we recommend that you only upload the chemistry values until we can address the test order.
Additionally, we can only support email results from one date. If you have an email with historical trend data, or a duplicate set or results from the same date, it will not upload correctly, and you should enter those results manually through the dashboard.
The results will be displayed in the Imported Tests and Results grid below the data validation screen. Any rows with invalid data or unsupported tests will display with a hover over message providing additional details (see additional images below).
For Gribbles Veterinary New Zealand Clients:
and upload
the TXT file
, not the PDF.
Here’s an example of a chemistry test result list email report:
Here’s an example of a hematology test result list email report:
Each TXT file uploaded will populate in the grid below:
If you have a Sample Already Recorded in ZIMS Medical:
If you have already created a sample in ZIMS Medical, you can link this to a Test Result now.
Start by clicking on the “magnifying glass” icon in the Actions column.
Note: If you haven’t yet created a sample in ZIMS Medical, start here.
If you haven’t yet added a sample in ZIMS Medical to link to your Test Result, you can add one right from the Test Upload tool.
From this sample creation screen, you can use any of the “favorite samples” already created to save yourself time. See Creating and Using Samples .
Now, check the appropriate box and select Link Sample to Test Record.
Remember: The Sample collection date must be BEFORE the date the tests were analyzed. If it is not, go back to the ZIMS Medical sample screen and adjust the date and come back to this screen and click “Search.”
Responsible Clinician
Once results are linked you will return to the main test upload page.
Now the name of the responsible clinician (provided by the lab) will be displayed in the last column. This can be changed as needed to the staff associated with the record in ZIMS via a dropdown menu in the “Clinician” column.
Note: You will only see this drop down after a sample has been linked.
It is important to accurately identify the clinician here to have the review/approve options in the ZIMS Medical Dashboard populated properly.
More on reviewing tests in the ZIMS Medical Dashboard here.
To upload the test results into ZIMS, check the box to the left of the Status column and then click the “Upload Results” button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
Note: You can upload multiple rows by selecting all rows using the check box in the column header or manually selecting appropriate rows.
The information associated with each row will be uploaded into the Tests & Results record.
To view the records, you have uploaded to this grid, you will need to change the Import Status to Uploaded. (Click on the small arrow in the Import Status box and select “Uploaded” as the status type. The list will reload now and show you only those uploaded.)
The results will be incorporated into the ZIMS database and visible in the patient’s medical record. (You can verify this by returning to your ZIMS Record and click “Reload the results” (top middle of the dashboard page) and your test result should be seen below the sample you created.
You can open this new result as seen below:
If any of the tests you upload are not mapped to the available ZIMS dictionary tests, your results will be displayed in the “Notes” section below the main results section.
If the lab adds a new numerical test that is not mapped, use this Global Test Request form to request a new test and we will update the dictionary.
If you make a mistake and want to Undo your previous action:
Note: if the results are merged to an existing set of test results, or modified after upload, you will not be able to undo them. This is to ensure you do not lose data.
1) In the scenario below... from the Test Result Upload feature, the records that are present (RED) were previously uploaded from Test Results.
2) The additional single test is added to the results grid and values are added.
When we return to the Test Upload module after modifying the previously uploaded results.
3) We search for ‘uploaded’ results
4) Where we’d normally be allowed to ‘roll back’ the changes we see the following message:
Test Results are not Yet Linked to a Sample:
NOTE: For 8 and 9, until the data is linked you only have what the lab tells you. Once the user links the results to an existing patient and sample in ZIMS, you have more context to confirm that everything is linked properly and complete the upload.
Once Test Results are Linked to a Sample:
To get a shorter Imported Tests and Results grid, you may want to filter by one or more of the seven Import Statuses available.
Results that ZIMS cannot process are entered into the result list with "see notes for details" and full information from the lab is included in the note on the test result header.
Revised 5 March 2025