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Medical Term Dictionary


How to search for and manage medical terms

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The Medical Term Dictionary can be used to search for medical terms, as well as add local medical terms and create group terms (a place holder used for future reports).  Medical terms will be used in notes for diagnosis, procedures, prescriptions, etc. 

Go to Start > Medical > Dictionary> Term Dictionary




Term search results will populate in a tab.



To open up a term double click on it.  You will see synonyms and translations, have the ability to add them, as well as set terms as preferred for display and reports.




To add a new term, synonym/translation, or term group; click the add new button at the top of the window. 



 When you add a new Term, by default it is set as Preferred for both display and reports. Should you add a synonym/translation you will have the option to change this preference.




Revised 5 March 2025





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