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Medical Samples


Recording and using samples

Contact Species360 Support


Entering Samples

Favorite Samples
Sample Set

Create a Sub-Sample

Sample Storage and Test Requests


Entering Samples

In ZIMS for Medical, there is a 4 step workflow covering sample collection, testing and results review permitting you to: 

  1. capture a sample from a patient
  2. send it for a test
  3. record the results when they return and 
  4. review the findings.


This document covers the first step of this workflow- sample recording.  A sample can be recorded directly for the animal/group record, as part of an anesthesia event or from the Clinical Notes screens.


To add a Sample, select the New button and then Sample or (Shift + S) as a keyboard shortcut to launch a new Medical Sample recording.


1.If the animal is in focus the Select Animal ID will prefill, otherwise you will need to enter a GAN or Identifier to find the animal.

2.If you are collecting Samples on more than one animal check the Multiple Animal IDs checkbox. Click on Select Animal IDs and you will be taken to a screen where you can use an Animal List and/or select animals individually.



3.The Collection Time is not a mandatory field but it is recommended that you record this information in addition to the mandatory date. 

4.The Local Sample ID is also not mandatory but may be an easy way for larger institutions handling many samples a day to track the Sample. Most facilities may opt not to complete this field. If you do record Local Sample IDs you may want to develop a protocol for consistency. 

5.Collected By will source from your Staff list or your Contact Directory if External Contact is selected.

6.The Sample Type is a data standard drop down list. What you select in this field drives what is available to select in the Additives/Preservatives box, the Collection Method box and much of what is available on the right hand side grids.

7.The Additives/Preservatives is a data standard list that depends on what is entered in the Sample Type field.  

8.The Anatomical Source/Tissue field is a Type Ahead lookup and possible matches will display to select from. Or, you can use the lookup function to perform a search for your desired term.

9.The Collection Method is a data standard drop down list driven by what was selected in the Sample Type field.

10.If the sample was collected in an enclosure other than the one the animal usually occupies it can be entered here.  

11.The Reason is a cascading drop down list with major headers of Medical, Miscellaneous and Research.  

12.The Status can be updated as the sample is used. Consumed means that you have used up the sample with requested testing.  

13.If for some reason you do not want this sample included in reference intervals you can check the Exclude box and if the Sample was taken from a dead animal remember to check that box.

14.The fields displayed on the right hand side are driven by what was selected in the Sample Type field.


Favorite Samples

Creating Favorite Samples allows you to save time if you have samples that are routinely collected. To create a Favorite Sample open the sample screen and complete the fields. Since the information recorded on the right side can vary from sample to sample, remember to edit it if appropriate.


When you have recorded your desired information select the star icon in the upper right hand corner to Save as Favorite Sample. You will be asked to name the favorite and this name must be unique within your institution.


To use the saved favorites, use the drop down list and select your desired favorite.  When you hover over the list items you will be presented an abbreviated view of the sample filter selections in that saved favorite. After you select the favorite, the form with refresh with your desired filter settings and any current selected filter options will be lost in favor of the pre-saved filter choices.


Sample Set


This functionality makes it more efficient to create samples in ZIMS for Medical.  When we collected blood from an animal, we often transfer it into multiple blood tubes.  We submit the whole blood for hematology testing, and the serum and/or plasma for chemistry/fluid analysis.  That represents 2 to 3 samples for each syringe of blood drawn from an animal. 


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Now, when you create a whole blood, serum, or plasma sample in ZIMS for medical, there will be check boxes to record additional blood tubes.  With minimal effort, you create the set of samples with the same fasting duration, activity level, and restraint information.  Once samples are created, you can enter the appropriate test results for each sample type or move them into storage.  Note, when adding additional blood tubes to a sample record, the Save and Edit button is disabled. As there are now multiple samples generated, ZIMS cannot know which sample should be edited during the creation step. You can edit the additional tubes after saving and closing.

This functionality is available when you create samples from the ZIMS for Medical Dashboard, the Sample Storage module, and the Test Result Upload feature.
Sample Set : Video on recording aliquots for a blood product sample

Create a Sub-Sample

Creating a Sub-Sample is as though you are splitting the sample in half (or more). It retains the same sample type as the source and is useful when sending samples to multiple labs or retaining part of a sample for storage.  In addition, you can choose to view the Sample Tree View.


Sample Storage and Requesting Tests


Once the Sample is created you can then use it to move to Sample Storage or you can Request Test  on it.


Revised 5 March 2025




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