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Medical Report Index

Finding and using the Medical Reports you need to get the answers you are looking for.




The Reports available in ZIMS Medical allow you to get your data back out in a useable format to help you manage the health of your collection. The ZIMS Medical Reports are available only at the Local level and other institutions cannot run these reports on your data even if you have externally shared that data.

In ZIMS you are able to display and sort data with the option to export/download to various formats. This functionality allows you to create almost limitless report type documents.


Reports are only visible if your Role has access to them. All reports are available to the SPECIES360 roles Medical Admin and Veterinarian but, unless you add the access to them, no reports will be available to your staff using one of your custom roles.  You can easily add them from the roles grid; if you are not sure how or need any help please email us at  and we will be happy to help.

Index of Reports


Finding and Using the Reports

Complete Medical History Report

Medical Caseload Management Report

Calendar Items Report

Anesthesia Summary Report

Sample, Test and Result Reports

        Sample Request Report

        Samples/Test Results Report

        Specified Test Report

        Medical Test Spreadsheet Report


Weight Monitoring Report

Daily Medical Activity Summary Report

Pathology Case Report

Unresolved Medical Issues Report

Active Prescriptions/Treatments Report

Medical Metrics Report

Clinical Note File Copy Report

Pharmacy Reports

        Pharmacy Inventory Report

        Drug Usage by Bottle ID Report





Finding and Using the Reports

There are three ways to find the Medical Reports. The first is Start > Medical > Medical Reports


The second is to open the Medical module. Medical Reports are found at the top of the dashboard.


The third is to open the animal Husbandry Record > Medical Records > Medical Reports. You will still need to select an animal for the Report even though you open the Report when an animal was in focus.


When running your Reports, it is important to take into consideration that recently entered data may not appear on reports for 3 minutes after it was entered. This is because most reports are on different servers than the ZIMS data entry server. Different servers are used so when reports are run they do not affect the speed of ZIMS and it may take this time for the request to be uploaded to the report server. Your report results may not be accurate if you do not allow that time for processing.


It is very important to look at all the filters available for your Reports. Common filters are dates and taxonomy, but many reports have multiple fields to help you filter the report to obtain the desired information without a lot of information that you do not need. You can see below that the filters for the Samples/Tests/Results Report on the left has different filters than the Active Prescription/Treatments Report on the right. If you do not correctly filter your reports the results may be misleading and incorrect.



A great time saver is to create Favourite Search Filters for commonly selected filters for your Reports. Complete the filters as desired and select the Save icon. Name the filter as you wish. It can then be selected from the dropdown list and your desired filters will prefill but can be edited.


After running a Report, you can easily select to re-run it with different filters by expanding the report filter screen by using the double arrows to the right. The Report filter screen will expand and you can change filters and re-run as desired.



Once the Report has been run, most can be printed directly from the screen by selecting the Print icon.

Or, you can select to export to various formats to save and email or print later. Many Reports have the

option to Export to PDF at the bottom of the report.



Many of the grids within the modules also have the ability to Export to PDF, thus creating Reports

from within the record.


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Complete Medical History Report

This report is a comprehensive history of the complete medical record for an animal or group . If you have not opted to share Medical records with another institution, this would be the report that you would provide at the time of transfer. NOTE: This can be a very large report!


You will need to select the Animal ID and a Date Range (if desired). All Record Types are checked by default but can be unchecked as desired.



You can also run this report from the PDF icon beside the animal in the left hand dashboard:


The File Name will default to the record in focus but it can be edited as desired. You can select a Date Range filter or run with no date filter. Any Record Types that were displayed in the main dashboard will be checked by default but you can select others as desired.




The resulting Report will be in reverse date order, with the most current information at the top. If run from the Reports menu, you must export to PDF first in order to print. If run from the dashboard it is already in PDF format.



Medical Caseload Management Report

This report allows you to pull up all Active medical issues for a single day . The many options in this Report allow you to filter to specific types of issues so it is important that you look at all the filters available. If you select Output Order by Enclosure you have a report that can function as a Rounds Report.

         We combined the Active Problems and Clinical Signs filters on the Caseload Management Report.

         This report allows users to generate a list of animals filtered by: Active Problems, Health Status, and Active Prescriptions.  Previously, you could filter Active Clinical Signs as an additional option, now this is included under resolvable problems.


The report below was ordered by Taxonomy.


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Calendar Items Report

This report allows you to see any upcoming scheduled tasks . By default all Event Types are checked but you can limit the Report to specific topics or who the task is assigned to. You also have three sort options depending on the order that you want to see the report organized.


The report below was run for a single day.


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Anesthesia Summary Report

This report is used to run queries on the Anesthesia process, milestones and successes .


There are many filters for this report that allow you to fine tune your results. The default dates are for the past 5 years but can be edited. It can be run by Taxonomy or specific Animals. The "Summary Format" option produces a condensed version of the full anesthesia summary report.  Uncheck this option for the full length report.


The report below was run for a giant anteater for an Anesthesia event on 21 November 2018 with Summary Format checked. All other filters were left open.


The following report was run with the same filters, but Summary Format was unchecked. Note that Samples and Physiological Measurements are now included.

Business Rule:

When two milestones have the same time of effect, the secondary order for display is based on the specified order within the data standard itself.  

Example: if milestone A and B have the same time within the records, but the specified list order within the data standard is A = #3 and B = #1, then in the display, milestone B displays first in the grid, and A is below.


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Sample, Test and Result Reports

Sample Request Report

This report tracks Samples requested in My Calendar . There are no mandatory fields in this report. Running the report by Enclosure may save you time as you can collect all Samples requested for that area.


The report below was run for a single day for sample collection assigned to Adrienne Miller, all other fields were left open. Each Sample requested has its own grid.


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Samples/Test Results Report

This report will list Samples and Test Results from specific patients . You can select specific labs the

samples were sent to, find samples of specific testing categories (a data standard list), or search for Incomplete or Completed tests. The default Date Range is for the past week.


The report below was run for a Date Range of 1 January 2017 – 1 January 2019 for a sun conure.


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Specified Test Report

This report allows you to search by a specific test and not just a Test Category. The filters allow you to be very specific and restrict the specified test to certain Sample Types or Date Ranges and you can Exclude Deteriorated Samples to point out a few of the filters.


The report below was run for Enteric Pathogen Selective Culture.


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Medical Test Spreadsheet Report

This report allows you to look for specific Test Categories and Sample Type for a single record, for an ad-hoc set of animals or for an Animal List .

The Test Category is a single select dropdown list, but the Sample Type is a multiple select list.


If your filter settings do not have any matching results you will see the following:


The report exports directly to excel to allow users to further interrogate the data. When multiple animal records result, you will see a series of worksheets, with a RawData tab listing all matching results and tabs for each individual animals results.


Weight Monitoring Report

This report allows you to monitor weight and Body Condition Score values by All records, specific Animals or by Taxonomy. You can select to show only those records with weight changes greater than 10%.


The report below was run for Weight Change Summary format. Weight changes are displayed in red for easy referencing.


The report below was run for Weight & BSC Values for one month.


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Daily Medical Activity Summary Report

This report shows you selected record types for a specific date . You can sort by Taxonomy or Enclosure. All Record Types are checked by default but can be unchecked to exclude. If you are working on time management this is a good report to reference.



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Pathology Case Report

This report will provide all of the details recorded for a Necropsy or Biopsy , depending on what is selected. You can filter by All Cases, Case ID, single Animal Record or Taxonomy. By default, all

Case Statuses are checked but you can choose to select only specific ones. This is also true for Output



The report below was run for All Pathology Records for a single animal.


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Unresolved Medical Issues Report

This report is an easy way to compile the unresolved issues you would find under an

animals'  Diagnosis and Procedures  records on a particular date. Resolved issues do not appear on this report. This report is very versatile in its application. If you run it for today's date, and select Resolvable, especially if you sort by Enclosure, you have yourself a "Daily Medical Rounds" cheat sheet!



Below is an example of a completed report using the following parameters:


1.This report will only show unresolved issues and enclosures as of the date of the report, not as of today

2.Be aware of the indicators for animals that are offsite (*) or dead (**) as data cleanup may be required. The Medical Apps for Data Cleanup for Animal in Focus and Batch Data Cleanup for Removed Animals can help you with this task. See Medical Data Quality for help.

3. When an active problem is marked 'unresolvable' it appears on the far right in the otherwise empty column so that it is easier to distinguish these from resolvable issues.

4. If the animal has more than one house name historically (at your or any other institution), it will appear on this report. However, only ACTIVE physical identifiers will appear on this report.

- Not pictured: When sorted by Local ID, Incomplete Accessions appear at the top of the report.


If Show Diagnosis Comments is checked, the Notes that appear on the report are the same ones you will add/edit from the Diagnoses and Procedures module on this animal. No associated notes for the active problem will appear.



Active Prescriptions/Treatments Report

Use this report to find any animals that are under treatment by displaying any current/active prescriptions or treatments. If you select Output Order By Enclosure you can quickly see what ongoing treatments are enclosure by enclosure. Other useful filters are Duration (<=30 days or > 30 days) and Prescribed By. A Date Range is not available in this report, it is for a single day only.


The report below was ordered by Enclosure.


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Medical Metrics Report

This report captures the numbers of medical entries at your institution by displaying the total numbers of entries and the number of unique records the entries were recorded in. By default, all Record Types are checked but these can be filtered to specific types if desired. This report can be very helpful to assist in preparing year end reporting of medical metrics.


Each Medical module has its own grid.


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Clinical Note File Copy Report

This report displays all Clinical Notes and Associated Medical Issues or Procedures (if selected) that were recorded during the specified Date Range. The default is to display the notes with the oldest note first but you have the option to display the most recent notes first by selecting Output Notes in Reverse Date Order.


The Report displays each animal on its own page so this can be a very long report.


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Pharmacy Reports

Pharmacy Inventory Report

This report provides an inventory and usage log of the drugs you have recorded in the Pharmacy Inventory and is especially helpful for monitoring your regulated drugs. It is a quick way to check for drugs that may be expiring soon. It also lets you know if you have enough of a drug on hand before starting a procedure or writing a prescription. It is also a good report for finding what empty bottles need to be marked as Finished.


The report below was run for non-regulated items in the current inventory:


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Drug Usage by Bottle ID Report

This report tracks dispensing records for inventoried bottles of drugs. You can search for a specific Bottle ID, Bottle Status and Formulations or Active Ingredients.


Each bottle has its own page in the report.



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Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation