Your Local Admin will add any medical staff to ZIMS. They need to assign them a Husbandry Role before a Medical Role can be assigned. This can be a Read Only Role, but the Role of Vet-Husbandry (Species360) is commonly selected for the Husbandry Role for medical staff. Species360 Global Admin will assign the Role of Medical Admin to your desired staff member once they are added to the Staff List. This person can then assign Medical Roles to other Staff members as long as they have a Husbandry Role assigned to them first.
There are four template Medical Roles created by Species360. Role access for these Roles cannot be edited.
• Access to Search/View, Add, Edit and Delete all Medical data
• Ability to assign Roles to Staff and create custom Roles
• Ability to select external Medical sharing
• Veterinarian
• Access to Search/View, Add, Edit and Delete all Medical data
• Read-Only Medical
• Access to Search/View all Medical data
• University User Medical
• Access to Search/View Anesthesia Summaries
To assign a Role go to your Staff grid, highlight the desired Staff > Actions > View/Assign Medical Roles. If this is greyed out they have not yet been assigned a Husbandry Role.
Move the desired Role(s) from the left box to the right box (double left click on the Role or highlight and use the arrow). Any Roles in the right hand Selection box will be assigned to the Staff member.
If none of the Species360 template Roles meet your needs, you can create custom Roles. Go to the Medical Roles grid and select Actions > Add New. The Role Name must be unique to your institution. If you have an existing Role that is close to the functionality in the new Role, you can select to use it as a template for your new Role, and all the functionality of the Role will be copied over into the new Role. You can Add/Delete access as desired. Or, you can leave Role Template blank and no functionality will be copied; you will have a blank slate.
To create the Role functionality desired, select the Roll in the grid > Actions > Manage Role Access. Select the Module. Check the Turn on module functionality for this role checkbox to activate the screen. Check the Role access desired and Save. Move on to other modules as desired for the Role. As new ZIMS functionality is released, custom Roles are not updated whereas the Species360 templates Roles are.
After you have created a custom Role, you can then assign it to your users via the Staff grid.
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Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation