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Recording anesthesia event and tracking outcomes

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You can navigate to a new Anesthesia Record by Start>Medical>Medical Records then either selecting New>Anesthesia on the dashboard or the hot keys Shift+A.  




Note that if you have an existing anesthesia record on an animal on the same date of the event you try to record, the above prompt will appear to help prevent duplicate entries.


Basic Information tab


There are seven tabs in the Anesthesia module. You must complete and Save the first tab (Basic Info) before the others become available for entry. As always, mandatory fields are designated by an asterisk.


The Health Status is a hyperlink that will allow you to view/add/edit/remove the health status history of the patient.


If a weight has previously been recorded, it will default to the last weight. You can toggle the selection to record new weight if you'd like, and it will be selected by default if no weight is recorded historically. Be careful to check/uncheck estimate/exclude from reference intervals as appropriate. Weights entered from this screen will appear in the Husbandry weight grid but will not be editable from that table. In the rare event that multiple weights are recorded during the anesthesia event only one will display in the husbandry weight grid.



There are three options for recording anesthesia location - Enclosure (which will link to your enclosure detail page); external institution (this is populated from the institution list so please be sure to add local institutions if necessary); Geo location (best for in the field with available GPS data). If you don't know where the event occurred of it started in one location and moved to another, undetermined is your best bet.


Once you Save this screen the additional tabs become activated.



Drugs Given tab



Under the drugs given tab, you will find that the only mandatory fields are the drug, amount, UOM, and administration time/s.


Most of these fields are global data standards and the choices for Delivery Route is driven by the choice of drug. The Drug Given is a type ahead lookup field, or you can search for it using the magnifying glass.



The bottle ID and Lot Number is sourced from your drug inventory and not mandatory. You can add a new bottle ID via the hyperlink.


If you need to add more than one drug associated with the drug event, you can select "Done and Repeat".  Some of the information will prefill from the last drug entered, but all fields are editable.



Once saved, the Drug Information will display in a grid. From here you can Copy, Edit or Delete the entry. You can add new drugs via the shortcut Alt+A.


When you hovering over the balloon it will show additional details on the drug.


Below the Drug Information grid is a grid to add any additional drugs given during the Anesthesia that were NOT anesthesia drugs. This is a Quick Prescription option only – a one and

done – such as a vaccination or deworming treatment.



Effects and Milestones tab 


The Effects & Milestones tab allows you to track the reaction to the anesthesia event and the recovery. Whereas the Anesthetic Depth can be selected multiple times, a Milestone can only be selected once for each anesthesia event.


Once Saved, Effects and Milestones will display in a grid where you can add a Note or edit or delete the entry. If a note is recorded, the notebook icon will appear in green.


Samples and Physiological Measurements


Though Samples and Physiological Measurements can be added directly from the anesthesia module, they also act as their own stand-alone functionality. They are covered  here  and  here , respectively.




Notes/Comments is a free-text field that allows you to capture any additional information. SOAP note entry is not an option here. Note Templates marked as Anesthesia will be accessible from here.


Recovery and Ratings


Recovery and ratings gathers details on the recovery period as well as overall event. Most fields are global data standards.


Be sure to check the box if renarcotization is occurs. You can add notes regarding the renarcotization or other complications (vomiting, apnea, etc.) by explaining the complications notes box.



Revised 5 March 2025



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