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Active Prescriptions and Treatments Report


How to produce a Report on any current/active prescriptions or treatments.


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With this report is found under Start > Medical > Medical Reports or under the Medical Reports tab at the top of the Medical dashboard. You can produce a printable and exportable Report using the following filters:

  1. In most cases, the Date will be today’s date as you are looking to find prescriptions or treatments that are currently active. However, you can use a past date to find active prescriptions and treatments at the time. It is a single Date, no Date Range is available.
  2. You can filter by a specific drug.
  3. When filtering by Taxonomy, the Taxon below is not covered by default so remember to check the Include Taxon Below box if appropriate.
  4. You can filter by a specific Enclosure. If you want to include sub-enclosures remember to check the Include Enclosure Below box.
  5. The default for Duration is Short-term (<= 30 days) but you can select Long-term (> 30 days) or All.
  6. Prescribed By is sourced from your Staff list.
  7. The Report can be sorted by Taxonomy or Enclosure.


Below is a sample Report sorted by Enclosure.



Revised 5 March 2025



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