Joining life support and enclosures in ZIMS.
You can maintain life supports either apart from a connected enclosure or as a unified system in ZIMS. This topic discusses connecting an existing life support to an existing enclosure. For more help on life supports, click here and for more help on enclosures, click here .
To access the Life Support records in ZIMS go to Start menu > select Life Support or use the Life Support desktop icon. You can either use the left hand search menu to locate the desired Life Support or use the Tree View to visually browse the Life Supports you have along with their associated Enclosures and components. To select from the Tree View simply double click on the Life Support.
From the Life Support record go to Connected Enclosure List > Actions > Attach to Enclosure. You can attach a Life Support to multiple Enclosures.
Enclosure Name – sourced from your Enclosure List. You can use the magnifying glass lookup to help find it if you need.
Enclosure Type -will populate once you select your enclosure and is not editable.
Connection Type - choice of Permanent or Temporary. This status helps when you are searching for types of Life Support connections that may impact your management of an enclosure. Ex: Can the pump system be detached easily and be stored during maintenance, this would be a temporary Life Support connection.
Connection Status Change Date – the date you attached the Life Support to the Enclosure. Can help you track back historical issues with system quality or health issues.
Once you have completed the attachment the Enclosure will display in the grid. The Enclosure Name is a hyperlink into the Enclosure record.
You can also attach a Life Support from the Enclosure record by using Actions > Attach Life Support in the Attached Life Supports grid.
Using this approach, you have the option to create a new Life Support if it is not already in the Life Support List.
You can disconnect the Life Support from either the Life Support record (Connected Enclosures grid) or the Enclosure record (Attached Life Supports grid) by going to Actions > Disconnect. You will be asked if you are sure you want to disconnect and then the only data required is the Disconnect Date. The connection will disappear from both the grids. To view any disconnected Life Supports or Enclosures open the Show Search Form and check Include Disconnected Enclosures (or Life Supports). The disconnected Enclosure (or Life Support) will now display with a Status of Disconnected.
Selecting the View History link will display a history of the connections.
A disconnected Life Support can be re-connected to the same Enclosure or connected to a different Enclosure(s).
Revised 5 March 2025
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