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ZIMS Translations & Automatic Translations of ZIMS Help Library


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While perfect native-language translations are the ideal solution for our products and documentation we are unable to consistently update our content in all our target languages. 

We currently support ZIMS in: Spanish, French, Japanese, Russian and English.

Change your Lanaguage in ZIMS


  1. In ZIMS, click on Start Menu
  2. Choose the “My Preferences” option in the menu
  3. Select the Languages menu
  4. Choose your preferred option from the menu of languages (reminder, ZIMS is only supported in the languages listed above), choose extended character support if needed, and “Save”
  5. Reload your browser (you might need to log-off and log-on) to see the language preference enabled




Currently there are nearly ~300 training and help documents supporting ZIMS in English. The information below will help you get automated translation support into a target language using Google Translation services.

  1.      Identify the download you wish to translate - help documents or PowerPoints - use the tranlsation options at the top of the page to switch to your preferred language (currently “French”)
  2.      Find help topic below (use Ctrl+F or Apple+F to search all topic keywords).
  3.      Download the PDF to your computer
  4.      Open Google Translate and set translation from English into your preferred language.
  5.      Upload the document and translate via Google Translate
  6.      View or download the machine translation to your computer

Note, Species360 cannot verify the quality of automatic translation services.

Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation