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Adding and Searching for Local Institutions


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When working with an institution that is not currently in the ZIMS Global database, you are able to add a new Local institution for use for transactions with a non-Species360 institution or when sending samples in ZIMS Medical to an external laboratory that is not currently recorded in ZIMS.  Any Local institution you create will only be visible to you. If several institutions add the same institution, it may be promoted to the Global institution list for all to use. It is advised that you first search the global Institution list to be sure the institution you are looking for isn't already added via an alternate or older name; many times the organization has already been recorded by Species360 in the ZIMS global database.


When you search, if you do not find the institution by its name, we suggest opening up the search in case it is spelled differently. Select All Institutions, Country and State. You can then review the results list before creating a new Local Institution.


To Add an Institution to your local list, open the Institution module from either the desktop icon or the Start menu. Select the Add New button at the top of the Institution screen.


1.The Name is a free text field.

2.Institution Category is a single select drop down list. What you select here will drive the options available to select in Institution Type.

3.What you select for Country will drive what is available to select under State / Province.

4.The Institution Type is a multiple select drop down that is driven by what was selected in Institution Category.

5.The State / Province is driven by what was selected in Country field.

6.The City is a free text field not driven by any of the other fields.


For  samples  and  tests and results  in ZIMS for Medical, you may need to add a laboratory when sending a sample out for testing. In this case, your Institution Category will be "Other" and Institution Type will be "Laboratory".


IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot create a Local Institution that has the same Name, Category, Type and Country of an existing institution. At least one of those fields must be different.


When you Save you will be asked if you want to go to Details. Details will allow you to add additional information about the institution. 



 1.Edit Details allows you to edit any of the information recorded as well as add Latitude and Longitude.

2.Edit Communication Details lets you add an address, phone and fax number, email and website.

3.You can add Contacts at the Institution.

4. Any Notes as desired can be added.

5.Any Synonyms such as abbreviations and former or legal names can be added.

Locally added institutions will display with the Local house icon in the results grid.



To find all of your Local institutions, select My Institutions in the Institution Search box.


Revised 5 March 2025





It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation