This tab is found under My Institution > Institution Statistics. This tab displays animal, staff and collection counts and can be very useful for answering those common questions so often received such as: How many species do you have? How many animals do you hold? How many Births have you had in the past year?
Animal Statistics
A count of the number of Animals you have marked as Available and the number of Species you want to acquire. To view the actual information, go to My Institution tab > Animals Available or Species Wanted grids.
Birth Count
The number of Births/Hatches in the last 12 months.
Animals Currently On Site
This displays the number of Individuals and Group members that you physically hold. This is usually the count that people are looking for when they ask “How many animals do you have?”.
It also displays the number of fetuses, eggs, groups of eggs or egg masses you have recorded. This information is not usually included in the number of animals you have but is included in the Grand Total for this grid.
Owned and/or On Site
This count includes any Individuals or Groups that you may have out on loan as well as those you physically hold. Animals out on loan are typically not included when asked how many animals you have.
It also includes the number of fetuses, eggs, groups of eggs or egg masses that you have out-on-loan. These are included in the Grand Total for this grid.
Taxonomy Diversity
Displays the number of Species and Subspecies that you hold or own. If you do not physically hold an animal of a Species but you do have one or more out on loan, that Species will be included in the count.
Transponder Statistics
Displays a count of transponders in your inventory by their status – Assigned, Available, In-Use and Off-Site (in dispositioned animals).
To view the transponders, you will need to open the Transponder grid in My Institution.
Alert Statistics
Displays any past and future Animal or Enclosure Alerts that have not been marked with an Alert Remove Date that is in the past.
My Institution Statistics
Displays the count of the following:
Total Transponders
On-Site Transponders
Staff (only those entered into ZIMS)
Life Supports
Life Support Components
Collection Statistics
Displays the Collection Name, the number of Individuals in that Collection, the number of Group members in that Collection and the Total Count.
Any Collections that are marked as a Local scope are indicated by a red asterisk
Staff Transactions Statistics
Displays the Name of the Staff member and the number of transactions (entries into ZIMS) in the last 1 day, last 7 days, last 15 days and last 30 days.
This is useful to check if Staff members are entering data in a timely fashion.
Staff Statistics
Displays the Staff member count entered into ZIMS by Publicly Visible or Publicly Non-Visible and by ZIMS User or Not-ZIMS User.
To view the actual Staff members, you will need to open the Staff grid in My Institution.
Permit Statistics
Displays the number of permits you have by Permit Type.
To view the permits, you will need to open the Permit grid in My Institution.
Revised 5 March 2025