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Not all animal transfers in ZIMS are straight forward. Here are six different transfer scenarios for individual animal transfers, and which terms to use to complete them in ZIMS.

For some background reading on transactions, please visit the transactions section within the Animal Management Index .



Scenario 1 - Skeeter the giraffe was owned and held by Zoo A. He was donated to Zoo B.

Scenario 2 - Skeeter the giraffe was owned and held by Zoo A. He was sent on loan to Zoo B.

Scenario 3 - Skeeter the giraffe was owned by Zoo A and held by Zoo B. He was physically transferred from Zoo B to Zoo C, and still owned by Zoo A.

Scenario 4 - Skeeter the giraffe was owned by Zoo A and held by Zoo B. He was physically transferred from Zoo B to Zoo C, and Zoo A donated the ownership to Zoo C.

Scenario 5 - Skeeter the giraffe was owned by Zoo A and held by Zoo B. Ownership was transferred to Zoo C, but he physically remained at Zoo B.

Scenario 6 - Skeeter the giraffe was owned and held by Zoo A.  Ownership was transferred to Zoo C, and he was physically transferred to Zoo B.


Scenario 1

Skeeter the giraffe was owned and held by Zoo A.

He was donated to Zoo B.


Here’s how to enter your transactions:

Zoo A: Enters a ‘Disposition – To Another Institution’ transaction (or accepts the pending transaction) with ‘ Donation to (Physical and Ownership) ’ as the terms.

Zoo B: Enters an ‘Acquisition – From Another Institution’ transaction (or accepts the pending transaction) with ‘ Donation from (Physical and Ownership) ’ as the terms.


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Scenario 2

Skeeter the giraffe was owned and held by Zoo A. He was sent on loan to Zoo B.

Here’s how to enter your transactions:

Zoo A: Enters a ‘Disposition – To Another Institution’ transaction’ (or accepts the pending transaction) with ‘ Loan out to (Initial Transaction- Physical Only) ’ as the terms.

Zoo B: Enters an ‘Acquisition – From Another Institution’ transaction (or accepts the pending transaction) with ‘ Loan in from (Physical Only) ’ as the terms.


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Scenario 3

Skeeter the giraffe was owned by Zoo A and held by Zoo B. He was physically transferred from Zoo B to Zoo C, and still owned by Zoo A.


Here’s how to enter your transactions:

Zoo A: Enters a ‘Report Holder Change – For Animal out on Loan’ transaction.

Zoo B: Enters a ‘Disposition – To Another Institution’ transaction (or accepts the pending transaction) with ‘ Loan transfer to (Physical Only) ’ as the terms.

Zoo C: Enters an ‘Acquisition – From Another Institution’ transaction (or accepts the pending transaction) with ‘ Loan Transfer from (Physical Only) ’ as the terms.


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Scenario 4

Skeeter the giraffe was owned by Zoo A and held by Zoo B. He was physically transferred from Zoo B to Zoo C, and Zoo A donated the ownership to Zoo C.


Here’s how to enter your transactions:

Zoo A: Enters a ‘Disposition – To Another Institution’ transaction with ‘ Donation To (Ownership Only) ’ as the terms.

Zoo B: Enters a ‘Disposition – To Another Institution’ transaction (or accepts the pending transaction) with ‘ Physical Transfer To (Physical Only) ’ as the terms.

Zoo C: Enters an ‘Acquisition – From Another Institution’ transaction (or accepts the pending transaction) with ‘ Donation from (Physical and Ownership) ’ as the terms, with the ‘Sender (Ownership)’ as Zoo A and the ‘Sender (Physical)’ as Zoo B.


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Scenario 5

Skeeter the giraffe was owned by Zoo A and held by Zoo B. Ownership was transferred to Zoo C, but he physically remained at Zoo B.


Here’s how to enter your transactions:

Zoo A: Enters a ‘Disposition – To Another Institution’ transaction with ‘ Donation To (Ownership Only) ’ as the terms.

Zoo B: Enters a ‘Report Owner Change – For Animal in on Loan’ transaction.

Zoo C: Enters an ‘Acquisition – From Another Institution’ transaction (or accepts the pending transaction) with ‘ Donation from (Ownership Only) ’ as the terms, with the ‘Owner’ as Zoo A and the ‘Holder’ as Zoo B.


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Scenario 6

Skeeter the giraffe was owned and held by Zoo A.  Ownership was transferred to Zoo C, and he was physically transferred to Zoo B.


Here’s how to enter your transactions:

Zoo A: Enters a ‘Disposition – To Another Institution’ transaction with ‘ Donation To (Ownership Only) ’ as the terms. The physical receiver should be listed as Zoo B, and the ownership receiver should be listed as Zoo C.

Zoo B: Enters a ‘Loan transfer from (physical only) transaction. The owner should be listed as Zoo C and the physical sender should be listed as Zoo A.

Zoo C: Enters an ‘Acquisition – From Another Institution’ transaction (with ‘ Donation from (Ownership Only) ’ as the terms, with the ‘Sender of ownership’ listed as Zoo A, and the ‘Physical Holder’ as Zoo B.


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Revised 5 March 2025