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ZIMS Preferences

Making ZIMS display and function as you want it to.




There are many options in ZIMS to make the application work how you want it to. Some of these will default information in data entry fields to save you time and others affect the way ZIMS displays data. Take the time to make ZIMS function your way.


Topic Index


         Institution Preferences

o        Language, Date/Time and Separator Formats

o        Measurement and Census Preferences

o        Enclosure Preferences

o        Application Preferences

o        ZIMS Accessibility & Features

o        Application Settings

         My Preferences

o        Language, Date/Time and Separator Formats

o        Account Settings

o        Measurement Preferences

o        Enclosure Preferences

o        Application Preferences

o        Personalization

         Measurement Preferences

         Column Customization



         Medical Preferences

o        Medical Preferences

o        ZIMS Accessibility & Features

         Column Customization


         Column Customization

Preferences allows customization of certain defaults and functions. The defaults save data entry time by prefilling fields with the data most often used or formats that are preferred. These defaults remain editable at the time of data entry. Institution Preferences are usually set by your Local Admin, and impact everyone at your institution. My preferences allow individual users to override certain preferences. Not all Institution Preferences are available at the User level. A full list of preferences, and whether they are available in Institution or My Preferences can be found here .


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Institution Preferences

Institution Preferences allows customization of certain defaults and functions which can be applied to all users. These defaults remain editable at the time of data entry. Institution Preferences are usually set by your Local Admin. A full list of preferences, and whether they are available in Institution or My Preferences can be found here .


Institution Preferences are found under Start > Institution > Institution Preferences.

Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated


Graphical user interface, text, chat or text message

Description automatically generated


Institution Preferences have two types of Save:


In addition to the preferences menu above, you can also set Measurement Preferences within the Institution Module.


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My Preferences

My Preferences allow customization of certain defaults and functions for the logged in user. These defaults remain editable at the time of data entry. A full list of preferences, and whether they are available in Institution or My Preferences can be found here .


My Preferences are found under Start > My Preferences.

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated



Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


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Preferences Scope

Below is a list of all preferences available in ZIMS, and whether they are available in Institution Preferences and/or My Preferences.



Institution Preferences

My Preferences

Language, Date/Time and Separator Formats

Language, Date/Time and Separator Formats



Enclosure Preferences

Change Default Enclosure Settings



Medical Preferences

Clinical Notes





Not available

Tests and Results



Species360 Template Visibility



Single Record Sharing



Sample Storage



Dashboard Taxonomy



Measurement & Census Preferences

Change Measurement Preferences



Change Census Preferences


Not available

Application Preferences




Default Responsible Party






Module Boxes








Not available

Animal Lists


Not available


Not available


ZIMS Accessibility & Features

Change ZIMS Accessibility and Features


Not available

Application Settings

Change Application Settings


Not available


Change the Theme

Not available


Account Settings

Change Password

Not available


Change Email

Not available


Change Username

Not available


Change Default Institution (for child institutions)

Not available



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Language, Date/Time and Separator Formats

Language – ZIMS is available in English, Spanish, Russian and Japanese. If a language other than English is selected, remember to check the Support Extended Character Set checkbox.

Date and Time Formats

Separator Formats

Currency - International currency, used when a price is indicated

Time Zone - helps time stamp when data was entered or edited. Times are important in data entry fields when more than one action occurs on the same day within a record


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Enclosure Preferences

Enclosure Category – The default category for new enclosures, choose either terrestrial (land) or aquatic (water)

Enclosure Type – The default type for new enclosures. This list is filtered by what is selected for Enclosure Category

Allow Multiple Enclosure Assignments (Institutional Preferences only) - if this is checked then animals/groups can be placed in more than one enclosure at a time. If this is allowed the move out date will not be automatically calculated and must be manually entered. This is NOT available as a My Preference for individual Users.

Default Enclosure – Default enclosure when entering data (e.g. accessioning). Sourced from your Enclosure Tree

Default Collection – Default collection when accessioning new animals. Sourced from your Collection List


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Medical Module Preferences

Clinical Notes

Pathology (Institutional Preferences only) - This is NOT available as a My Preference for individual Users

Tests and Results

Species360 Template Visibility

Single Record Sharing

Sample Storage

Taxonomy Dashboard


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Measurement and Census Preferences

Measurement Preferences

Census Preferences (Institutional Preferences only)

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Application Preferences

Pagination Size - the number of lines displayed in a results grid

Default Responsible Party


Module Boxes - if Open as Default is checked for a module, all the grids in the module will be expanded when a record is opened

Identifier - Options to show identifiers:

Taxonomy (Institutional Preferences only)

Animal Lists (Institutional Preferences only)

Notes (My Preferences only)

Note: You can override this feature in the Notes & Observations tab for a specific record. Any changes to the preference on the Notes & Observations tab will be reset once the record has been closed or the user logs out.


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ZIMS Accessibility & Features (Institutional Preferences only)

These Preferences are available as Institution Preferences only. They are NOT available as My Preferences for individual Users.

Change ZIMS Accessibility and Features


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Application Settings (Institutional Preferences only)

Change Application Settings These Preferences are available as Institution Preferences only. They are NOT available as My Preferences for individual Users.

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Change the Theme – select blue or gray for the module borders


Account Settings (My Preferences only)

Change Password – where you would go to reset your password

Change E-Mail – where you would go to change your E-mail address

Change Username – where you would go to change your Username

Change Default Institution – choose which institution to log in to by default. This only applies to institutions that operate under the umbrella of a Parent organization and Users have access to multiple institutions without logging out


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Measurement Preferences

Measurement Preferences allow measurement lists to be customized with the terms your institution uses and remove those you do not, thus saving data entry time. It is found as a tab at the top of My Institutions > Details > Measurement Preferences.


Use the dropdown list to select the measurement type.


In our example below our institution is an Aviary and will only be recording lengths for measurements related to birds. We have opened Animal Lengths and have moved all measurements relating to antler/horn length to the right side Not Used List. We will continue on until the only measurements that will display when Animal Length is recorded are relevant terms, making data entry much easier and quicker. Measurement Preferences apply to all Users.


For a Help document on this topic see Measurement Preferences


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Column Customization

Husbandry Columns

All results grids can be customized to display only the columns that you want to see and in the order that you want to see them. Find out more in this column customization help document .


Medical Columns

Your Medical Dashboard can be customized to display only the columns that you want to see and in the order that you want to see them. Find out more about column customization in ZIMS for Medical in this help document .


Studbook Columns

Find out how to customize your columns in the Column Customization ZIMS help document , and column customization video .


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Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation