How to request a new feature for the ZIMS application and how to search for and vote on improvements (enhancements) suggested by other members.
A Bug is something that is wrong in the ZIMS application. Typically, Bugs mean:
An Enhancement is an idea or suggestion that will help make ZIMS work better for you by:
Pendo Feedback (formerly called Receptive) is a third-party software created specifically for feedback management. Pendo Feedback allows ZIMS Users to submit enhancements, vote for their favorites and prioritize those they have voted on. It allows the ZIMS Enhancements to be transparent for all Users to view and lets Species360 know what is important to our members.
To get into Pendo Feedback simply select “Suggest Features” under the Start menu or…
Click on “Suggest Features” on the right-hand side of the ZIMS dashboard.
We selected the arrow to open the full dashboard.
If you want to view all the details of the Enhancement select the Title hyperlink.
Now you are ready to make a suggestion. Below is an example. This User would like to be able to add floor plans to an Enclosure record, so they submitted a new request with their single vote.
However, if you had first searched for related requests, trying various terms, you would have found a request for “Add Image to Enclosures” has already been submitted.
Once you confirm that your idea has not already been suggested, select the Make a Suggestion button. When you start typing, Pendo Feedback will look for possible matches. Only the top 3 will display here, that is why you should use the more detailed Search first. If your idea happens to be one of the top 3 found, select the “I Want This” button – no need to submit a new one!
If it is not one of the top 3, complete the title and scroll down.
When your request is submitted it is reviewed by Species360:
• Duplicate? If so, you will be notified that your vote was added to the original submission
• Is the request clear? If not, you will get an email asking for clarification
• Should it be Accepted or Declined? (more on Declined later)
Sometimes it may be Accepted but the title changed. Having looked at over 2,500 suggested Enhancements, we have an idea what terms are commonly used. Your title may be changed to use terms that will allow other Users to find it quicker.
The following are definitions for the various statuses:
• Not Reviewed - This is the default status of new submissions
• Awaiting Feedback - The request has been reviewed and accepted
• Planned - The request has been approved for future development
• Building - The request is in active development
• Released - The request has been released!
• Declined - The request will not be done
Submissions may be Declined for various reasons:
• It breaks a ZIMS Business Rule and may not be logical
• ZIMS already does it and we will let you how to do it
• Already Submitted, we will add your vote to the initial request
Please resubmit if you believe the request was misinterpreted or if you feel strongly enough and can justify the need.
How we decide which Enhancements to develop:
From User Feedback – Popularity is the number of User votes a submission receives. Take the time to Vote for your favorites! Priority is pulled from User prioritizations. It is important to prioritize your requested features because that helps us determine what requests are of the most value to our Users.
There are two reports that we can run – one on Value and one on Popularity. The results are seldom the same. Reviewing both of these reports will help guide us for any future Enhancement development.
From Developer Feedback - Effort is the amount of time/number of developers needed to develop the feature. Value is the benefit the Enhancement would be to our members. The best-case scenario is the Effort is low but the Value is high. If it is a high Effort but determined to be of low Value, it will probably not get done.
Revised 5 March 2025