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 Advanced security in ZIMS

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In addition to limiting ZIMS access by Roles, you can also limit access to ZIMS by the

Internet Protocol (IP) address. This assures that ZIMS is only available to a User from one or more specific locations. You can limit IP address access from Institution Preferences or from within the Staff ZIMS Login Details screen.


Institution Preferences

To limit using Institution Preferences go to Start > Institution > Institution Preferences > ZIMS Accessibility & Features. At the bottom of the screen is Limit Access by IP Address. Check the box and select Actions > Add New.


Select Single IP. If you select Range IP a Subnet Mask field is activated. You will need to work with your IT staff to properly use this field. It is Highly recommended that you do NOT apply this IP limitation to All. You run the risk of actually locking yourself out. Instead, use the Select User dropdown to select what staff you want this applied to. The Description is free text and can be what you want. Perhaps you have different IP addresses for various locations if your facility is large. Or, you may want to give access from someone’s home in addition to the institution. Make sure you check the Active box.


From within the Staff Member

To assign an IP address from with the Staff grid, select the staff member > View/Edit ZIMS Login Details. The field is at the bottom and functions just like the field found in Institution Preferences.

At the bottom of the screen you can:

1.Force single session so the User can be logged into ZIMS at only one computer at a time.

2.Limit Access by IP Number should you want to restrict ZIMS access to only limited computers such as at work.

3.Don’t forget to Save.

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated


Revised 5 March 2025
* Species360 Organizational name change added on 07/18/2016




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